Posted 5 November 2013
"The climate has never been more boring. Even the weather blogs trying to toe the party line and promote public panic — I mean 'awareness' — of global warming are reduced to reporting one of GISS’s excessive spikes as being “the fourth warmest September on record” while qui...
Posted 3 November 2013
"Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM), warn in their October 30 Wall Street Journal op/ed feature of peril to fossil fuel investments due to 'The Coming Carbon Asset Bubble”'...
Posted 3 November 2013
Is there a new scientific consensus forming around global cooling? That’s what environmentalist Lawrence Solomon writes in Canada's Financial Post, citing the fact that solar activity is decreasing at the fastest rate as anytime in the last 10,000 years. “Now an increas...
Posted 30 October 2013
"So long as wind power remains more expensive than the alternatives, adding wind power cannot reduce the overall cost of power to the economy. The policy just shifts the costs of electricity from consumers to federal taxpayers. At the same time, lower prices reduce earnings...
Posted 28 October 2013
Posted 27 October 2013
A new study in U.S.A. by Dr Craig Idso study provides a quantitative estimate of the direct monetary benefits conferred by atmospheric CO2 enrichment on both historic and future global crop production. The results indicate that the annual total monetary value of this benefi...
Posted 23 October 2014
Larry Forbes latest column in Forbes magazine includes an interview with Dr Kesten Green, a New Zealander who, along with his U.S. coileague Dr J.Scott Armstring, is regarded as a top internatiional authority on forecasting. Questioned about the IPCC's modelling techniqu...
Posted 18 October 2013
Matt Ridley (5th Viscount Ridley, also member of the UK House of Lords) is a noted British science journalist. He has written in the prominent UK paper, The Spectator, about ignorance of the beneficial effects of any global warming that may occur: "Climate change has done...
Posted 17 October 2013
Larry S. Bell devotes his column in Forbes magazine to exposing what he calls "fibs" in the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC's 5th Assessment Report. He writes: "it’s way past time to come to terms with a true climate crisis, one where political agenda-driven liars,...
Posted 14 October 2013
Dr Vincent Gray, the New Zealand scientist who has been an expert reviewer of every IPCC Assessment Report so far summarises the repeated fudges in their preparation. He writes: "Attempts of the IPCC to impose rigid discipline on a large group of scientists to persuade them to claim that human emissions of so-called greenhouse gases harm the climate, without being able to supply convincing evidence, has been a failure. Even their opinions on the supposed reliability of their 'projections' always leave an increasingly small escape route for the day when their approach is proved wrong."
Posted 14 October 2013
New Zealand climate commentator and analyst Dr Vincent Gray has made it into the well known US magazine Forbes by way of one of its regular columnists, Larry S. Bell, whose latest column comprises answers by Dr Gray to questions posed by Mr Bell about the latest Assessme...
Posted 10 October 2013
One of the most convincing and detailed rebuttals of IPCC's AR5 has come from Des Moore, of Melbourne,a former deputy-secretary of the Australian Treasury, in a presentation to the Economic Society of Victoria, in which, inter alia, he said: "many uncertainties emerge from...
Posted 10 October 2013
The premeditated murder of science" is one of the criticisms of the 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) being made by a growing number of international experts in this field. Here are some:
Dr Nir Shaviv (Israel) here
...Posted 8 October 2013
A two-part series in The American, the on-line magazine of the American Enterprise Institute, analyses the latest Summary fior Policymakers of the IPCC's 5th Assessment report. In Part 1, Kenneth Green says: "spinning facts into narrative is a regular feature of IPCC rep...
Posted 8 October 2013
James Delingpole blogs at The Telegraph, UK: "there is more than enough solid evidence now to demonstrate to any neutral party prepared to cast half an eye over it that the doomsday prognostications the warmist establishment has been trying to frighten us with these last t...
Posted 7 October 2013
Climate scientist Judith Curry, who has gained a reputation as a “lukewarmist” for agreeing with many climate assertions made by global warming activists but calling for more scientific scrutiny of alarmist claims, called for an end to the United Nations Intergovernmental Pa...
Posted 3 October 2013
New Zealand climatologist Dr Vincent Gray has been a prolific expert reviewer of every Asserssment Report ever issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His keen eye for questionable detail has been a feature of his past reviews, and he is especially cr...
Posted 2 October 2013
The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) has released a new report on the science of climate change: Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science . The key takeaway messages are (1) the human impact on climate is very small and (2) any cha...
Posted 2 October 2013
Poor old Albert Gore Jnr! Seems he just can't win! He's got more than mere mortal skeptics frustrating his efforts to bluff the world into accepting his myths about human-caused global warming.
First in his political days as VIce-President of the US, there was the Gore Bo...
Posted 1 October 2013
A potentially damning example of "decision-based evidence making" by IPCC is the revelation by Steve McIntyre, in his authoritative blog on global warming and climate change, "Climate Audit" that IPCC made a late switch of an important graph in its latest Summary for Policym...