Posted 7 May 2011

Official temperature records have been maintained in New Zealand since shortly after European settlement began in 1840. Throughout the ensuing 150 years, mean  temperature levels remain stable. But NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, the responsible governm...

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Posted 2 May 2011

"Our economy is built on affordable energy, largely from carbon-based fuels that produce CO2 when burned. It is not a problem, there is no coming 'climate crisis,' and we do not need to worry about 'greenhouse gases.' This topic of reducing CO2 emissions is of crucial interest,...

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Posted 2 May 2011

"Despite the ready public availability of our reports, and of similar analyses by other independent scientists that also demonstrate there is no justification for continued alarm about global warming, neither the government nor its scientific advisors have offered answers to the...

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Posted 28 April 2011

"It seems clear that stringent cuts in global emissions, with the current state of technology, will disadvantage developing countries more than rich ones. Alternatively, if China and other major emerging economies refuse to join the game, Europe risks substantially reducing i


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April 26, 2011, 4:27 am News

Posted 27 April 2011

The Carbon Sense Coalition (Australia) today claimed there is more justification for a tax on the emissions of steam from a kettle on the stove than a tax on the emissions of carbon dioxide from the gas stove beneath the kettle. The chairman of "Carbon Sense", Viv Forbes, sai...

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Posted 26 April 2011

"It’s incredible that the IPCC and those responsible for its formation, structure, research, and reports convinced the world they were a scientific organization making valid scientific statements. The entire impossible enterprise was designed to prove that human CO2 was causi...

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Posted 22 April 2011

"13 months after Climategate an equally important document was made public. It is a single PDF file three megabytes in size and 678 pages in length. Although it contains the remarks of 232 separate individuals, no attempt was made to, say, number these individuals for easy...

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Posted 19 April 2011

*Prime Minister Julia Gillard now faces a raging controversy over her decision of 24 February to impose a tax on carbon (or more accurately on carbon dioxide emissions) for three to five years from July 2012.  -  Des Moore, in QuadrantOnline.***


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Posted 13 April 2011

"Global warming, and its euphemistic sibling 'climate change', remain much in the news. Specialist research groups around the world continue to produce an unending sequence of papers aimed at demonstrating a litany of problems which might arise should global warming resume. T...

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Posted 12 April 2011

See and hear Dr David Evans, climate scientist of Western Australia, tell a Perth audience "You've been had" at a gathering protesting against Prime Minister Julia Gillard's proposal to introduce a so-called 'Carbon Tax'. 

YouTube link

Then see and hear Dr Evans...

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Posted 11 April 2011

"The analysis reveals a consistent trend of weak deceleration at each of these gauge sites throughout Australasia over the
period from 1940 to 2000. Short period trends of acceleration in mean sea level after 1990 are evident at each site, although these are not abnormal or...

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Posted 31 March 2011

"Never mind that the whole climate change scam is now driven by the top-level financiers newly eyeing a multi-trillion-dollar paper economy of carbon trading and that this is the reason it’s now a dominant mainstream media and corporate messaging presence.....Take the red pil...

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Posted 15 March 2011

"Control the language, and you control the outcome of any debate**Ten dishonest slogans about global warming, and ten little facts.* Each of the following ten numbered statements reproduces verbatim, or almost verbatim, statements made recently by Australian government lea...

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Posted 9 March 2011

The ETS Review Panel, chaired by Hon David Caygill, intends to publish an “Issues Statement” prior to undertaking its proposed consultation process on the ETS Review 2011. New Zealand Climate Science Coalition chair, Hon Barry Brill, a former Minister of Science, has written t...

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Posted 8 March 2011

"With Julia Gillard’s sudden switch to support for a carbon price, Australia in 2013 could be the first country to hold an election with anthropogenic global warming (AGW) as the pivotal issue," write Geoffrey Lehmann, Peter Farrell & Dick Warburton in Quadrant.

"We have...

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Posted 6 March 2011

"Before the floods, proponents of the CAGW view had argued that there would never be enough rain again, because of Climate Change. When it became clear that there might be more than enough rain, the view was adapted: the floods, too, were the result of Climate Change. In other...

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Posted 28 February 2011

"Never has an important national policy issue been so surrounded with public dishonesty and deliberate ambiguity of language as is the issue of dangerous, human-caused global warming. Choreographed over the years by green lobby groups, politicians and commentators alike no...

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Posted 28 February 2011

"The NZ Government should immediately abandon its emissions targets and shift its focus to sensible and achievable goals such as improving the ability of the community to cope with whatever climate changes, weather extremes or natutral disasters that may occur....If howeve...

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Posted 27 February 2011

"As the great global warming scare continues to crumble, attention focuses on all those groups that have a huge interest in keeping it alive.... Carbon traders hope to make billions from corrupt schemes based on buying and selling the right to emit CO2. But no financial in...

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Posted 26 February 2011

"While the IPCC and its boy scouts present wilder and wilder sea level predictions for the near future, the freal observational facts demonstrate that sea level has remained virtually stable for the last 40-50 years,"  New paper published in 21st Century Science & Technol...

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