What percentage of our atmopshere is carbon dioxide (CO2), and how little of it is human-caused as compared with natural sources. The answers to these questions, as well as the proportions of the major gases that makes up Earth's atmosphere are in this paper in Quora by James Matkin.


Naturalnews.com posts: "The 'climate change' movement isn’t about saving the planet or re-greening the Earth. It’s actually a destructive, anti-life agenda to decimate all complex life on planet Earth and carry out a terraforming operation to alter Earth’s atmosphere to kill off global food webs." Make sure to watch video embedded at end, which explains how vital function of photosynthesis is to all life on Earth.


This paper addresses not just the fallacy of consensus in debate on science, but includes the following admission from the co-chair of the UN IPCC Working Group III, during an interview in 2010 with the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung: “We must free ourselves from the illusion that internationa...

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Dr Jay Lehr and Tom Harris explain the failure of models used by proponents of anthropogenic global warming: "The human-caused climate change scare may well be the best hobgoblin ever conceived. It has half the world clamoring to be led to safety from a threat for which there is not a shred of mean...

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This letter to the Trail Times in California denounces the "group-think" mentality of alarmists: "The correct answers to the foregoing questions provide ample reason to reject the alarmist message. Antarctica’s ice, which constitutes 90 per cent of the world’s ice, is growing while the Arctic ice is...

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January 2, 2019, 5:25 pm

Dr Ed Berry explains: "My message to you at the end of 2018 is human CO2 adds only about 18 ppm to the atmosphere while natural CO2 adds about 392 ppm, for a total of about 410 ppm that exists today. There is no valid argument that the human contribution is any larger than 18 ppm. Therefore, all the...

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These three videos by Tony Heller, at RealClimateScience.com, detail misinformation aired by the U.N. IPCC at the recent Conference of the Parties (COP24) at Katowice, Poland. Now updated by addition of Part 3

Link to first video

Link to second video

Link to Part 3

Another informed analysis of what happened at the latest UN climate conference. This one is by US analyst, Dr David Wojick, for CFact: "The world-control seeking climate alarmists hoped to leap forward at this year’s UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland. As usual they inched instead. None of the bi...

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In a guest post to WattsUpWithThat, Canadian climatologist Professor Tim Ball analyses claims made by the UN IPCC in a report to the COP 24 conference at Katowice, and shows in detail where and why the claims are impossible, thus inaccurate.


The amount of wind power available to onshore turbines appears to have dropped across the Northern Hemisphere, Chinese research unveiled this month. A team from the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of Sciences, along with a researcher from Purdue University in the U.S., analyzed data from more than 1,000 weather stations worldwide and found 67 percent had experienced a significant decrease in wind power potential since 1979.


Charles N Steele warns about IPCC report to recent COP climate conference at Katowice: "Does report offer any solutions for the problem it ostensibly addresses, that is, man-made global warming? Not really. Even if one accepts the IPCC’s estimates of the extent of global warming, careful economic analysis suggests that drastic action is not required. The report’s proposed remedies for climate change fail cost-benefit analyses."


Dan Schultz from PositivelyDanSchultz and David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discuss societal changes as our Earth shifts to a cooler climate as the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum intensifies, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect crop production, the economy and everyone on our planet. This is a timeline for what you can expect from now to 2023. This interview is a laser focus on what happens to the economy as our food prices rise and this in turn will constrict the global economy.


This video is a little dated, but it is relevant in December 2018 to New Zealanders faced with the arrogant stupidty of James Shaw and his Green Party who are tryng to persuade their Coalition partners that NZ to enact a law they call Zero Carbon (they really mean carbon dioxide - CO2). But in this video, Dr Jay Lehr, of the Heartland Institute, Chicago, explains slldes he prepared for President Trump showing that not only does CO2 have no significant effect on whether Earth warms or cools, but the trace gas does have a lot to do with human survival and prosperity.

Link to video

Australian analyst Jennifer Marohasy recounts how a determined Aussie MP helped his party see sense on 'global warming", sea level rises, energy pricing, and, in so doing, helped to bring down a Prime Minister.


Christopher Booker reports in the UK Sunday Telegraph on the failure of the latest UN IPCC conference at Katowice, Poland: "The UN and the West may continue to believe in their apocalyptic scare stories. But the rest of world is carrying on regardless. The BBC may comfort itself with its make-believe that the rules are 'key to the game'. But the real lesson of Katowice is that in reality the whole game is well and truly over. It's time we all woke up to that fact.

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Greenpeace have successfully created a public perception that they are fighting to protect humanity, nature and the environment from the evils of corrupt industries and vested interests. This perception is so popular and wide-spread that whenever Greenpeace speaks out on an issue it is automatically...

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One of Europe’s most eminent climate scientists has documented the main scientific reasons why the recent UN climate summit failed to welcome the IPCC’s report on global warming of 1.5°C. In a paper published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Professor Ray Bates of University College Dublin e...

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Distinguished British commentator Rupert Dawall was at Katowice, Poland for the latest COP 24 climate conference staged by the U.N. IPCC. In this report, Mr Darwall explains how the U.N. climate process is losing its battle with reality.

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Earlier this year, Charleston University, West Virginia, USA, hosted a debate on climate change issues between Dr Michael Mann (author of the notorious 'hockey-stick'), fellow alarmist Admiral David Titley, and, on the skeptic side, Dr Judith Curry and Dr Patrick Moore (former founder of Greenpeace). This post has two sections of YouTube videos: first the explanation by Dr Moore of why he changed from alarmist to skeptic; the second the full debate.


For whole debate, Link here