Posted 18 August 2015
An important new George C Marshall Institute paper begins: "The purpose of this document is to identify fundamental questions about climate change and provide straightforward answers that separate fact from speculation and advocacy. The most important fact is that the repeat...
Posted 17 August 2015
How is this for putting the record straight? Representative Dennis E Hedke, chairman of the Energy & Environment Committee of the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas in the U.S., himself a geophysicist by profession, was so disturbed by misleading claims made by...
Posted 15 August 2015
"The climate community has repeatedly dismissed solar variance as a key driver of rising temperatures during the 20th century. But their reasoning may have a key flaw, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) unwittingly supplying the evidence." Thus begins...
Posted 12 August 2015
"The first council of Nicea, held 1690 years ago this summer, decided upon a consensus about the nature of God, namely that the son had been 'begotten not made, being of one substance with the father,' as Athanasius argued, and not created out of nothing as Arius argued. Phe...
Posted 11 August 2015
What many are already calling the most convincing explanation of how a combination of the Sun, clouds and cosmic rays control Earth's climates is contained in this 52-minute YouTube presentation below by Professors Henrik Svensmark, Nir Shaviv and Jan Veizer. Then follows a...
Posted 10 August 2015
Computer modelling is an intrinsic element of the climate change debate, usually framed in terms that baffle lay observers (e.g. General Circulation Models, or GCMs). Recently, mathematics scientist Viscount Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, Dr Willie Soon and others questi...
Posted 10 August 2015
An earlier link to an outstanding YouTube video of an address by Professor Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting at Lindau on 1 July 2015, was hidden in an earlier post on 8 July from Climate Depot to this website. As it may have been missed, we re-post th...
Posted 9 August 2015
"The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5 trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal. That's the equivalent of $4 billion a day spent on vital stuff like carbon trading, biofuels, and wind turbines. Or as Jo Nova notes - it's the same amount th...
Posted 23 July 2015
Opening item in UK Daily Mail's comment: "In a major report last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gave a grave assessment of how man-made global warming was rapidly destroying the Arctic ice cap....How interesting then, that the latest analysis of 88 milli...
Posted 22 July 2015
An explanation of the significance of the new model of the Sun's activity, produced by Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbrian University, has been posted by a distinguished New Zealand climatologist, Dr John Maunder. Dr Maunder, was President of the Commission for Climat...
Posted 21 July 2015
"'The Church has got no mandate from the Lord to pronounce on scientific matters.' In that one sentence Cardinal Pell puts his finger on what is wrong with Laudato Si', Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment.In that document, Francis waded into an argument about climat...
Posted 18 July 2015
"Outside the EU, serious countries are not implementing emissions trading schemes. That...crucial fact shows no sign of changing any time soon....For almost a decade now, a nation [Australia] that will have little influence over international policy developments and no discern...
Posted 17 July 2015
Australian physicist and Antarctic researcher, Dr John Reid devastatingly condemns here, the perversion of science by the 'Green Blob'. He explains" It works like this: activists use scientists to push for international action on a science-related issue in an area such as heal...
Posted 12 July 2015
"The earth is 15 years from a 'mini ice-age' that will cause bitterly cold winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have predicted. Solar researchers at the University of Northumbria have created a new model of the sun's activity which they claim...
Posted 10 July 2015
This contains a graph the US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) would rather you didn't see. The chart reveals that the U.S. warmed thru June 1992; then cooled until end of June 1997; then significantly warmed thru June 2000; and has since experienced a cooli...
Posted 10 July 2015
On his UK blog, Matt Ridley takes issue with climate alarmists: "None of this would matter if it was just scientific inquiry, though that rarely comes cheap in itself. The big difference is that these scientists who insist that we take their word for it, and who get cross if w...
Posted 8 July 2015
Dr Ivar Giaever, a Nobel Prize-winner for physics in 1973, has declared his dissent on man-made global warming claims. "I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem," he announced in a speech at a recent 65th Nobel Laureate Conference in LIndau, Germany. Giaever w...
Posted 8 July 2015
New Zealand may not have warmed at all in the past 100 years, according to a peer-reviewed paper published in the international science journal, Environmental Modeling & Assessment. The paper, “A Reanalysis of Long-Term Surface Air Temperature Trends in New Zealand,” by N...
Posted 6 July 2015
"Ever more evidence is piling in these days to show how one of the oddest anomalies of our time is the astonishing extent to which the dream of 'renewable, carbon-free' energy is creating one environmental disaster after another. The flailing blades of wind turbines across th...
Posted 3 July 2015
Prominent U.S. climate scientists Dr Fred Singer has responded to an article in the magazine Science in which Dr Tom Karl, head of the US National Climate Data Center asserts that the temperature plateau (aka 'pause' of 'hiatus') is simply an artifact of the data. After Karl...