Posted 18 March 2015

A few days ago, Wellington's DominionPost  published an article by New Zealand Cimate Science Coalition member Bryan Leyland questioning various claims about dangerous global warming (unfortunately the DomPost chose not to post the Leyland article on-line). What they did po...

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Posted 18 March 2015

"In statements made to support his political agenda [US Secretary of State John] Kerry manages to perpetuate a series of errors, myths and slurs. One is the claim Al Gore made before the US Senate in 2007 that the 'science is settled' and the 'debate is over', Kerry said. Ker...

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Posted 18 March 2015

"People have learned to cope with change by thinking it's not all bad, but climate change is all bad, according to a climate scientist at Argonne National Laboratory who says it's time to replace the term climate change, itself a replacement for global warming, with a n...

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Posted 17 March 2015

In December 2014, the Royal Society in UK published A ShortGuide to Climate Science, a lay-man's introduction to the key issues on the subject. It was widely repoprted in British media. The authors who wrote it were not identified. Nor were members of the Royal Society aske...

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Posted 15 March 2015

"Five years ago, I was one of 43 Fellows of the Royal Society - the first and arguably still the most prestigious scientific organisation in the world - who wrote to our then-president about its approach to climate change. We warned that the Society was in danger of violating...

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Posted 14 March 2015

"The environmental movement has advanced three arguments in recent years for giving up fossils fuels: (1) that we will soon run out of them anyway; (2) that alternative sources of energy will price them out of the marketplace; and (3) that we cannot afford the climate consequ...

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Posted 6 March 2015

Dr Christopher Essex writes:  "Healthy, effective scientific research requires the participation of trained people with many takes on a subject. Trying to eradicate the participation of those who do not share one politically approved view on climate has been a profitable polit...

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Posted 6 March 2015

"We are constantly told than man-made carbon dioxide has caused global warming that will bring doom and disaster within a few years. These predictions are largely based on the output of computer models rather than observations of what is happening in the real world..... Here a...

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Posted 5 March 2015

"Greenpeace's disclosure standard is fictitious. Greenpeace simply invented it in an attempt to smear and demonize Dr Soon and other scientists like him. It's very disappointing that such a cheap trick would fool so many journalists, but perhaps some of them wanted to be foole...

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UPDATED 3 March 2015

"In recent weeks I have been the target of attacks in the press by various radical environmental and politically motivated groups. This effort should be seen for what it is: a shameless attempt to silence my scientific research and writings, and to make an example of me as a...

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Posted 2 March 2015

Drs [Kesten Green]( and [Scott Armstrong]( are forecasting experts who have [audited the forecasting methods used by the IPCC](  found them wanting, and produce...

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Posted 3 March 2015

"So if some of us have come to suspect that we're witnessing a feverish snow job, does this really qualify us as climate change deniers? Golly, this is all so confusing. It's enough to give anyone attempting to keep track of the changing story cold sweats."  Professor Larry Be...

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Posted 1 March 2015

"Even though the 'climate skeptics', scientists who have produced research proving false methodology and the conclusions based on it are quite few in number, an effort to silence them by smearing their reputations and denying funding for their work has been launched and it is...

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Posted 2 March 2015

Canadian humorist, author and blogger Mark Steyn, is also an unabashed and unapologetic climate skeptic. In this post, he deplores what he terms the "Warmanos" for their attempts to muzzle and silence, by blackening their qualifications and reputations, those scientists who op...

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Posted 2 March 2015

"On the grounds of all the elicited preceding information, we may state that the Kyoto Protocol is a failed climate strategy since emissions have neither been reduced absolutely nor relatively. The approach has not been successful with the emissions that are increasing the mos...

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Posted 1 March 2015

"When gullible news outlets unquestioningly cite people from the same enviro--activist clique every time, failing to realise they could win Pulitzers if they turned the tables on sources of smear material, and when they egregiously allow members of that clique to be labelled a...

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Posted 27 February 2015

The influential newspaper, The Australian editorialises: " It doesn't take much faith in the scientific method to accept, as The Australian does, that during the past century or so industrial development and greenhouse gases have been associated with rising temperature...

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Posted 26 February 2015

 A great new book, "Climate Change - The Facts" has just been published in Melbourne Australia. It is a compendium of up-to-date essays by the world's leading climate science and climate policy skeptics, and will help immensely to counter the hysterical propaganda being mo...

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What's it about? [here](moran - climate change the facts 2014 - introduction am.pdf) :  How to buy? [here ]( buy.pdf)

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Updated 27 February 2015

Why should fair-minded people throughout the world, as well as those in USA, be concerned about the concerted barrage of hysterical, and unjustified attacks on American scientist, Dr Willie Soon?

Professor Robert M. (Bob) Carter, of Australia, explains why in this pdf...

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