Posted 3 July
Countering at attack posted in the Delaware Online News against a challenge to the recent encyclical of Pope Francis, Catholic layman and climate commentator, Viscount Christopher Monckton has popsyed his own comments: "The encyclical says a strong consensus finds recent warming...
Posted 3 July 2015
Norman Rogers writes at American Thinker: "Professors in climate change disciplines toe the party line on global warming catastrophism, not because they suffer from any pathology, but because it is a professional obligation. Global warming theory brings billions of dollars a...
Posted 29 June 2015
An important new paper explaining why and how sea level rises have been incorrectly claimed has been published by one of the world's leading authorities on the subject. He is Dr Nils-Axel Moerner, former head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamic Department at Stockholm Unive...
Posted 27 June 2015
"These huge green multinationals, with budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars, have now systematically infiltrated science, as well as industry and media, with the result that many high-profile climate scientists and the journalists who cover them have become one-sided...
Posted 26 June 2015
New Zealand Climate Science Coalition member Gary Kerkin has written an essay refuting claims that carbon dioxide causes "global warming." He writes: "No one has proposed, let alone conducted, an experiment which definitively demonstrates the relationship between carbon dioxid...
Posted 26 June 2015
The latest Newsletter by New Zealand scientists, Dr Vincent Gray, contains a link to the complete text of his latest book, exposing the climate chance scam. Dr Gray writes: "There are now over 1350 peer reviewed scientific papers which dispute this false theory; 31,487 America...
Posted 22 June 2015
With mounting criticism of Pope Francis for his ill-advised foray into the politics - not the science or the recorded facts, but the politics - of man-made global warming, aka 'climate change', we have selected just four from among the increasingly long list of his critics....
Posted 18 June 2015
For all the talk of "renewable" energy, and the desire of greenies to end the use of "fossil fuels" such as coal, there are some incontravertible facts that need wider attention. Brendan Pearson and Michael Roche have written in The Australian setting down some of those fac...
Posted 18 June 2015
"You might think Pope Francis would have more sense than to dabble in matters of physical science, given memories of that contretemps with Galileo. You might also think that the Vatican would know a thing or two about spotting false prophets, not to mention having a keen ear f...
Posted 17 June 2015
At the invitation of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, American climatologist Judith Curry has explained to the UK House of Lords, the political state of play in Washington with climate issues. Extract: "How should we respond to the threat of climate change given the uncer...
Posted 8 June 2015
Updated 8 June 2015
Afew days ago the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published claims aiming to show that there has been no "pause" in global warming. Among the many immediate challenges to that NOAA claim have been two worthy of notice: the first by Dr Judith Curry,...
Posted 6 June 2015
Over the past 60 years the sea around Funafuti has risen by around 30 cm locally, raising warnings that the atoll is about to disappear. But Paul Kench, of the University of Auckland, NZ, and colleagues found no evidence of heightened erosion. After poring over more than a cen...
Posted 4 June 2015
A little on the long side, but this comprehensive analysis reveals that the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been "whitewashing" temperature history by wrongfully applying a "Master Algorithm". US energy physicist MIke Brakey explains.
Link her...
Posted 2 June 2015
An April report issued by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Scienjces presents a likely sneak preview of an 'Apostolic Exhortation' that Pope Francis will introduce at a U.N. General Assembly meeting later this year. Headlined to 'Safeguard...
Posted 1 June 2015
Two key messages used to marginalize scientists who question the climate change hypothesis are to label them as "deniers" and to repeat the false claim that 97 per cent of scientists agree humans are causing a cliomate crisis.In an article in the San Antonio Express-News Jeff...
Posted 23 May 2015
"Global warming is pre-eminently a political project. On Tuesday, the leaders of France and Germany met to set a goal for the December climate summit in Paris: to fully decarbonise the world economy by the end of the century. ... The role of experts is to provide a scientific c...
Posted 23 May 2015
"As the year-end Paris climate change summit draws ever nearer, preparatory meetings continue apace and we see streams of reports and stories arguing how vital it is to come to a binding international agreement to limit carbon dioxide emissions. One of the key arguments is that...
Posted 21 May 2015
"[President] Obama's remarks at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy's Commencement May 20 demonstrate the extent to which his advisors are keeping him divotrced from the facts. The bulk of his speech was devoted to what is now becoming more and more obviously a non-problem: 'the chal...