In case you haven't linked with WattsUpWithThat under our "Other Must-Read Sites" (top right) and haven't read the latest essay by our distinguished climate science colleague, Professor Timothy Ball, of Canada, this is recommended as a thoughtul summary of the origins of climate change alarmism.


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Distinguished Canadian climate scientist, Professor Timothy Ball rebuts claims by an American group of medical doctors that "climate change" is a threat to human health.

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Christopher Booker writes in the UK's 'Daily Mail': "The real question is why do our gullible politicians constantly deceive themselves and the rest of us with their endless, ever-more costly ‘green’ schemes which turn out to be nothing of the kind and actually increase pollution? ....It’s as if the political class’s obsession with global warming rots their brains — for which the rest of us have to pay a very heavy price.

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Professor Bruce Pardy writes in the 'Financial Post': "Paris is a climate fairy tale. It has always been more about money and politics than the environment. Last year, U.S. President Donald Trump wisely announced that America would withdraw. For developed nations who still believe Paris is a viable plan, the prospect of a massive transfer of wealth under the guise of carbon reductions must seem less attractive without the U.S. to help foot the bill."

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The climatologist Professor Bill Gray passed away in 2016. One of the world’s leading experts on tropical hurricanes and the initiator of seasonal hurricane forecasts he was also a prominent critic of mainstream views on climate change, arguing that natural processes play a much more important role...

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"Currently, sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2. We can expect the sea to continue rising at about the present rate for the foreseeable future. By 2100 the seas will rise another 6 inches or so—a far cry from Al Gore’s alarming numbers. There is noth...

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Breitbart reports: "After two weeks, an international climate change conference in Bonn, Germany, attended by delegates from over 200 countries, has ended in failure, without no agreement on the major issues of finance and transparency. Climate change finance has been in trouble from the beginning....

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Vijay Jayaraj writes at Cornwallis Alliance: "Real climate-change deniers should be called out. They are as dangerous as climate-change alarmists, who impede scientific advancement and lead the masses into believing extreme theories using scare tactics. Both climate-change deniers and climate-change alarmists are wrong on their claims about the implications of this [Northern Hemisphere] winter and how they interpret the behaviour of the earth's climatic system over the past 2000 years. Here are four reasons why:"

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"As environmental activists jet around the world complaining of 'carbon footprints' and preaching 'renewable energy' while insisting that countries be taxed for their CO2 emissions, they are silent regarding the real and present menace that is currently wiping out millions of human beings around the world," writres Dr Thomas D. Williams.

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Professor Michael Kelly, emeritus Professor of Technology at Cambridge University, was one of 43 Fellows of the Royal Society in UK who in 2016 accused the RS of being dogmatic on the topic of climate change. Dr Kelly wrote about the challenge in the Mail on Sunday, and his article is relevant two years later in New Zealand in view of the complaint by members of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition against the Royal Society of New Zealand alleging misleading statements in this country about causes of changes in climate.

[Link to pdf](Kelly on RS.pdf)

Our planet has just experienced the most extreme two-year cooling event in a century. But where have you seen this reported anywhere in the mainstream media? You haven’t, even though the figures are pretty spectacular. As James Delingpole reports.

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Climate change alarmism is based entirely on speculation, not on science. Alarmism per se is not a hoax, because people really believe it. But alarmism is driven by a repeated practice that is in fact a hoax. This common hoax is the presentation of speculative conclusions as though they were established scientific facts about the physical world. The standard definition of a hoax is a deliberate deception that is intended to fool a lot of people. The scientists and journalists who falsely report speculations as facts know perfectly well what they are doing, which makes what they do a hoax. Distinguished US analyst Dr David Wojick explains:


Climate change alarmism is based entirely on speculation, not on science. Alarmism per se is not a hoax, because people really believe it. But alarmism is driven by a repeated practice that is in fact a hoax. This common hoax is the presentation of speculative conclusions as though they were established scientific facts about the physical world. The standard definition of a hoax is a deliberate deception that is intended to fool a lot of people. The scientists and journalists who falsely report speculations as facts know perfectly well what they are doing, which makes what they do a hoax.

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Sunday, April 22 will mark the 48th anniversary of Earth Day. A lot of concern about the planet’s future was generated back then and a passionate movement was launched that endures to this day. But is all the fear over a warming world justified? Here are five reasons not to freak out about manmade climate change this Earth Day.

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Our Coalition chairman, Hon Barry Brill, has welcomed the tutorial produced by three eminent US professors to help a California judge gain an understanding of the arguments involved in the 'global warming' debate now known as 'climate change'(see items dated April 2 below).

Credible Consensus[1].pdf

Distinguished Canadian climate scientist, Professor Timothy Ball, explains why and how it is important to help ordinary people understand that claims of dangerous human-caused "global warming" is a hoax that will cost us billions of dollars and do nothing to change global temperatures.

click here

Our Coalition’s energy spokesman, Bryan Leyland, has a guest post today in New Zealand’s most widely read blog, "Whale Oil Beef Hooked" setting out issues with the Royal Society of New Zealand in relation to departures from its Code of Ethics.

Leyland RSNZ2.pdf

Expatriate Kiwi, Dr Michael J Kelly, Emeritus Prince Philip Professor of Technology at Cambridge University has responded to the NZ Productivity Commission's Draft Paper on "Low Emissions Economy", warning that not only are New Zealand's emissions minuscule in the global context, but the costs to...

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Our Coalition has challenged the country’s premier scientific institution, the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ) about the Society’s unsubstantiated alarmist claims of climate alarmism that have created a rift among scientists in New Zealand.

RSNZ Complaint.pdf

Link here for more background detail: