Posted 24 February 2015
James Delingpole asks: "If ever there's a competition for the most spectacularly pointless and wasteful project in engineering history, you'd be hard pressed to find a more promising candidate that the one announced this week [in UK] with great fanfare, by Energy Secretary...
Posted 24 February 2015
Paul Driessen writes: "What's happening along the climate front never cease to amaze me. We're being told 2014 and this frigid [Northern Hemisphere] winter are actually the warmest on record, and all this cold, snow and other 'extreme weather' is due to carbon dioxide emi...
Posted 22 February 2015
You know the tipping point in the Great Climate Debate is fast approaching when alarmists, having lost on the science and with observations blowing their earlier catastrophe models to smithereens, they resort to ad hominem attacks on leading skeptic scientists. This post...
Posted 20 February 2015
"People with different views of how society and nature work will differ in their perceptions of potential risks. But can the BAS [Bulletin of Atomic Scientists] seriously propose that a trace gas in the Earth's atmosphere necessary for life, carbon dioxide, and the Commun...
Posted 19 February 2015
Professor Don Aitkin AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of the Australian National University, Canberra, 1991-2002, and holder of many high level positions in his country, has discovered a new blogger, Ben Pile, and reflects on that blogger's arguments that question much of...
Posted 18 February 2015
Professor Larry Bell, of the University of Houston asks about: "The terrors posed by melting glaciers and rising sea levels threatening polar bears and Al Gore's new coastal California residence? And oh yeah, musntn't forget those historic fierst-time-ever droughts and tag...
Posted 18 February 2015
Professor Garth Paltridge, former CSIRO chief scientist, one of Australia's most distinguished scientists, has revealed in The Australian how the Australian Academy of Science has cherry-picked data in a recent publication about climate change. Professor Paltridge comme...
Posted 18 February 2015
The study's author, Yale Professor Dan Kahan, says that the global warming debate has become so politically polarised that people pick their side based on politics rather than what they know about science. He says if global warming believers really want to convince people,...
Posted 14 February 2015
Heartland Institute's James Taylor writes in Forbes magazine: "Global warming alarmists frequently make false and deplorable assertions...but the [US] Environmental Defense Fund's recent fund-raising mailer "10 Global Warming Effects That May Shock You" may well set a ne...
Posted 11 February 2015
A new paper, published by UK's GWPF shows that the father of British climatology, Hubert Lamb was a skeptic. " After leading and establishing historical climatology during the 1960s, Hubert Lamb became the founding Director of the Climatic Research Unit at the University o...
Posted 10 February 2015
"Why is it that when a political figure makes a misstatement about a global warming-related issue, which happens many times every day, no government scientific agency or leading university scientist ever corrects them? For example, all climate modellers correctly label the...
Posted 9 February 2015
Christopher Booker writes in the UK Telegraph: "When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were...
Posted 8 February 2015
UK climate commentator James Delingpole writes at Breibart: " Here's a video that you must absolutely see [link below]. Not, I hasten to warn you, because it's exciting, well-produced or informative; rather, because of the fascinating light it sheds on the debate about g...
Posted 7 February 2015
The United Nations' top climate change official Christiana Figueres announced this week that the group is actively working to "intentionally transform" the world's economic development model, a task she called the "most difficult" one the group has ever undertaken. "This is...
Posted 4 February 2015
Dr Thomas Sowell is an American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author, whose books include Basic Economics. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and is highly regarded in the U.S. In this paper he writes: "Me...
Posted 3 February 2015
"I do know that what NASA's Goddard Insttiute for Space Studies and NOAA's National Climatic Data Center actually reported was rather less categorical than what the news accounts - or the White House - might lead you to believe. As both government agencies made clear in the...
Posted 2 February 2015