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"On global warming, public policy is where the science was in 1998. Due to new evidence, science has since moved off in a different direction. The UN science body on this matter, the IPCC, is a political body composed mainly of bureaucrats. So far it has resisted acknowledging the new evidence. But...
In his earlier post "Climate Statement - An Orchestrated Litany of Lies" (below) coalition foundation member and longtime IPCC expert Dr Vincent Gray took issue with a report by the Climate Committee of the Royal Society of NZ. That committee's chair, Dr David Wratt replied to Dr Gray's comments -...
"Selective use of facts and data is fast becoming an art form on both sides of the climate change debate now that real money is at stake as the West ponders concrete schemes to reduce carbon emissions. So what is the validity of some of the key claims being made by these new blogger sceptics?" LINK...
"Global warming has now got to the stage where it is only maintained by media self-censorship. If the general public ever got to know of the scandals surrounding the collection and processing of data, or that there has been no detectable warming for the last decade, the whole movement would be...
"I believe in global climate change, but there is no way that humans can influence the temperature of our planet to any measurable degree with the tools currently at their disposal. Any human contribution to global temperature change is lost in the noise of terrestrial and cosmic factors." Former US...
This new Green eco-religion is like a wolf in sheep's clothing and is as dangerous. Unchecked it could result in the downfall of Western civilization as we know it today, or should I say, of yesterday, for already some Governments have implemented very unwise climate change policies derived from uns...
"Both create a source of income for those who identify and define the problem, exploit the guilt, and offer a solution. They also do nothing to ameliorate the supposed problems, the amount of sinning or the amount of CO2 going into the atmosphere from human sources. In fact, they almost guarantee...
Muriel Newman, of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research , devotes here weekly newsletter to the question: "Where is the evidence for AGW (anthropogenic - man-made - global warming"? And links to her guest commentator, Dr David Evans, a scientist formerly with the Australian Greenhouse Offi...
Human activity is indeed changing the climate, at least in part, but there is an increasing body of science that says that the sun may have a greater role than previously thought, argues Professor Geoffrey Kearsley. LINK
"Contrary to claims of a scientific consensus that human activity is the principal temperature driver, there are now many published reports and papers strongly disputing the IPCC analysis, including several by eminent Australian scientists. My conclusion is that the case for major government interve...
"The magical realism of Kyoto has backfired in a big way. The global warming elite will never admit this, because that would mean giving up their political whip against George Bush. But Kyoto II is already collapsing under its own contradictions. By sticking to a more realistic alternative, this rev...
"Governments have naively and unwisely accepted the claims of a human influence on global temperatures made by a close-knit clique of a few dozen scientists, many of them climate modellers, as if such claims were representative of the opinion of the wider scientific community. On the evidence prese...
"The value of this paper lies in its dispassionate but ruthlessly clear exposition – or, rather, exposé – of the IPCC’s method of evaluating climate sensitivity. The detailed arguments in this paper, and, indeed, in a large number of other scientific papers, point up extensive errors, including num...
"For a perfect example of what is meant by "gesture politics" - an empty pledge given solely for effect, which the politician has no hope of honouring - one could not do better than this week's commitment by the G8 leaders on how they want us to fight climate change ." UK Daily Telegraph.
"Wow. Pay more for food or die. Is that Rudd's next campaign slogan? Of course, we can laugh at this -- and must -- but the price for such folly may soon be your job, or at least your cash." Andrew Bolt in Herald-Sun, Australia. LINK
"Carbon tax or cap-and-trade? Would you rather be shot to death or strangled? Wouldn't you prefer the choice to go on living? Similarly, we have to ask if we really have only a choice between two expensive schemes to restrict carbon dioxide emissions." - Ian McQueen, in Canada. LINK