Posted 5 November 2015
"Adaptation is also indifferent to whether the climate change is natural or human-induced; it can be proportional, depending upon how much or how quickly the climate changes; and it can be politically easier to accomplish because it does not require a global consensus and h...
Posted 4 November 2015
"I sometimes wonder whether the journalists now writing about the failure of the one-child policy [in China] ever note the similarities with today's climate 'crisis'. That the fears are largely the same. And the political prescriptions are almost identical. And the leaders...
Posted 2 November 2015
Christopher Booker writes in the UK's Telegraph: "At the end of this month 40,000 politicians, officials, green activists, lobbyists and jounalists from 195 nations will converge outside Paris - at Europe's largest airport reserved only for private jets - for a conferenc...
Posted 31 October 2015
"The global warming hiatus is one of the most important topics in climate science. The data shows us something very interesting is happening and many scientists are producing amazing research in pursuit of an explanation. It will not be explained or dismissed by this or th...
Posted 31 October 2015
Reuters news service reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that "there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia. That is why this subject is not topical for the majority of the R...
Posted 23 October 2015
"When considering climate change, most people think wind turbines and solar panels are a big part of the solution. But, during the next 25 years, the contribution of solar and wind power to resolving the problem will be trivial - and the cost will be enormous. The Internat...
Updated 22 October 2015 (First posted 15 October 2015)
"You heard it here. 'Human emissions of carbon dioxide have saved life on Earth from inevitable starvation and extinction due to lack of CO2'. To use the analogy of the Atomic Clock, if the Earth were 24 hours old we were at 38 seconds to mid...
Posted 21 October 2015
It has just been revealed that Hoesung Lee, the newly elected head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), already was a member of a South Korean institute which itself is another creature of the United Nations, the Global Green Growth Institute, whose Dire...
Posted 21 October 2015
"To the growing embarrassment of the world-government wannabes who are preparing to meet in Paris next month to inflict upon the world a Solomon Binding treaty that will, in all but name, create an all-powerful global tyranny-by-clerk for the first time, the central pretext...
Posted 20 October 2015
"Yet the benefits of carbon dioxide emissions are not even controversial in scientific circles. As Richard Betts of the Met Office tweeted last week, the 'CO2 fertilisation effect' - the fact that rising emissions are making plants grow better - is not news and is discussed...
Posted 17 October 2015
"Climate alarmists have reached the point where they are not just pounding the table, they are breaking the table and using then pieces to pound on anyone who would dare dissent from the climate orthodoxy humans are causing catastrophic global warming," writes H Sterling Bu...
Posted 16 October 2051
The announcement by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that its new chairman is to be South Korean bureaucrat Hoesung Lee, an economist, will further cloud the debate on climate science, says Tom Harris, executive director of the Internation...
Posted 15 October 2015
"Every night, France's chief weatherman has told the nation how much wind, sun or rain they can expect the following day. Now Philippe Verdier, a household name for his nightly forecasts on France 2, has been taken off air after a more controversial announcing - criticisi...
Posted 12 October 2015
"To any unprejudiced person reading this account, the facts should be obvious: that the non-climatic effects of carbon dioxide as a sustainer of wildlife and crop plants are enormously beneficial, that the possibly harmful climatic effects of carbon dioxide have been greatl...
Posted 12 October 2015
"To any unprejudiced person reading this account, the facts should be obvious: that the non-climatic effects of carbon dioxide as a sustainer of wildlife and crop plants are enormously beneficial, that the possibly harmful climatic effects of carbon dioxide have been greatl...
Posted 12 October 2015
Carbon dioxide is "hugely beneficial" for humankind, boosting global crop production to the tune of $US140bn per year, according to a radical new report just released in London by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. The report by Dr Indur Goklany, analyses the financial i...
Posted 9 October 2015
"The world has changed. Although few yet understand it, the revolution in the production of oil and natural gas from shale has altered the course of global energy, affecting most of the world's people. This is not a short-term event. Citizens, industries and nations will be...
Posted 9 October 2015
"By promoting the hypothesis that humanity controls Earth’s climate, Pope Francis and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon undermine many of the goals of the Sustainable Development Summit, held on Sept. 25–27 in New York. " International Climate Science Coalition di...
Posted 3 October 2015
"Finally, we may be getting some cosmic justice for the gang of warmists who have spread hysteria over the shaky theory of global warming. Owing to an outrageous act of witch-hunting dissenters, a congressional investigation has begun, and who knows what it will uncover?" T...
Posted 2 October 2015
"Scientists have discovered a hitherto unknown cooling process which may pose a serious threat to the man-made global warming theory. According to a study by the Institute of Catalysis and Environment in Lyon and the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, the oceans ar...