230707 March Morano‘s Round-up

July 23, 2007, 10:38 am News

230707 Marc Moranos’ Round-up – July 23, 2007

Report: Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” bought ‘absurdly low’ $480 worth of carbon offsets

Excerpt: The movie's producers, Paramount Classics and Participant Productions, announced that they purchased offsets from broker NativeEnergy to compensate f...

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190707 Marc Morano‘s Round-up

July 19, 2007, 11:56 am News

190707 Marc Morano’s Round-Up – July 19, 2007

Coldest Temperature Stations shut down in old Soviet Union caused artificial rise in global average temp

Excerpt: With data provided by Ross McKitrick the number of temperature stations around the world dropped by about 7000 in the 1989-1990 time...

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120707 Marc Morano‘s Round-up

July 12, 2007, 2:14 am News

120707 Marc Morano’s Round-up – July 12, 2007

Streisand's UK diva demands: 'Ferried around in a limousine accompanied by her entourage in 13 tractor-style trailer trucks'



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100707 Marc Morano‘s Round-up

July 10, 2007, 2:14 am News

100707 Marc Morano’s Round-up – July 10, 2007

Meteorologist debunks man-made Global Warming - Is Carbon Dioxide Getting a Bad Rap?

Excerpt: The [IPCC] report ignores the fact that total global stations decreased by 66 percent after 1990, and there was a ten-fold increase in months with no r...

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July 10, 2007, 1:56 am News

JULY 10 2007

Predicting the Climate

Dr Vincent Gray

A senior scientist recently challenged me to provide a better tested hypothesis on what is happening to the planet than the hypothesis that it is due to increases in  greenhouse gases.

I replied that...

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080707 Marc Morano‘s Round-up

July 8, 2007, 2:28 am News

080707 Marc Morano’s Round-up – July 8, 2007

Live Earth's DC concert called 'PR sleight of hand'
Excerpt: The Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian had already scheduled a day of events -- including the Indian Summer
Showcase 2007, which appeared to be absorbed into "Mother Ear...

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Prof Will Alexander expains a major reason for IPCC’s failure to produce a final report 20 years after its establishment and the efforts of more than 2000 scientists.

Memo 30/07
Will Alexander [email protected]

Note from Webmaster: the earlier paper to which Prof Alexander re...

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In this compelling paper, Lord Monckton argues that to the extent that there is a 'consensus', it does not endorse the notion of 'catastrophic climate change. (Download pdf or click on Article Index to read each page)


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IPCC "forecasts" are called "projections", but are dishonest, as they ignore part of their own definition that "projections" are "subject to substantial uncertainty" . - Dr Vincent Gray.



JULY 1ST 2007

Alice Lives...

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=== The Global Warming Myth

By Prof David Bellamy

Am I worried about carbon induced global warming? The answer is no and yes. No because there has been no sign of global warming in New Zealand since 1955, this year snow has fallen in Portugal for the first time in 52 years and 3 US states are...

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070707 Marc Morano‘s Round-up

July 6, 2007, 6:48 am News

070707 Marc Morano’s Round-up – 7 July 2007

Scientists Galore & new science debunk alarmism on eve of Gore's Concerts

UN IPCC ‘Consensus’ Exposed! –

New Documents Reveal Major Dissent Among ‘Expert Reviewers’


Thursday, 05 July 2007


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John Prendergast writes in the authoritative 'European Journal'.


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"There is a clear present need to build up a sounder basis than now exists for viewing and assessing the issues. Governments should act accordingly. - Prof David Henderson in World Economics 
download pdf - link

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050707 Marc Morano‘s Round-up

July 5, 2007, 9:56 am News

050707 Marc Morano’s Round Up – July 5, 2007

Live Earth's meat concessions likened to 'selling cigarettes at an anti-cancer fundraiser'


Environmental expert (Bjorn Lomborg) cal...

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"The global human signal cannot be isolated from the variation of the natural climate system itself, and —speculative computer modelling aside—no good reason exists to presume that the human impact is dangerous." - 5 top climate scientists

(download pdf)  link 

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Analysis of IPCC expert reviewers responses to 4th assessment WG1 report shows they were far from the claimed unanimity.[ ](reviewipccreviewers comments2.pdf)

[](reviewipccreviewers comments2.pdf) link [](reviewipccreviewers comments2.pdf)

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The Carbon Neutral Myth highlights several ways in which this approach
to climate change is fundamentally flawed

**The Carbon Neutral Myth

Our Prime Minister has extolled New Zealand's to move to a carbon neutral world.
What does this mean actually reality?  A recent book entitled The Car...

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Dr David Evans, formerly of the Australian Greenhouse Office has two challenges for "carbon blamers". (download pdf)


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