Posted 20 January 2016
As they begin to pour in from all parts of the world, we will post here tributes to our recently departed colleague and friend, Professor Robert M. (Bob) Carter:
Joanne Nova's website: here
Personal memoriam by Dr Gerrit van der Lingen [here](bob carter - in memor...
Posted 20 January 2016
Members of our Coalition have been shocked and saddened by news of the death last evening of one of our founding members, Professor Robert M. (Bob) Carter, in his home city, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Bob suffered a massive heart attack four days ago, which left him...
Posted 19 January 2016
"In reality, no rational scientist, or any adult human for that matter, will argue that climate doesn't change. Yet any notion that 'almost the entire scientific community' agree that it's a problem, even more one of cataclysmic portent demanding $trillions to mitigate, has...
Posted 15 January 2016
"Many climate sceptics are celebrating that 'nothing in the Paris deal is legally binding.' They should look deeper. They have suffered a huge political defeat. Skeptics are winning the climate science debate, but the main battle is no longer about facts and science – it is...
Posted 5 January 2016
Ever wondered what causes the global-average warmth during El Nino? Dr Roy Spencer explains it here: "The sun's energy is the ultimate source of energy for the climate system, but it really doesn't explain why El Nino years are unusually warm...or why La Nina years are unus...
Posted 4 January 2016
"From the outset, let me say that my investigations suggest that the 'Greenhouse Effect' is not something that we have to contend with in atmospheric reality. There is another mode of climate change that appears to be responsible for the change in temperature of the globe ov...
Posted 30 December 2015
Anyone who wonders whether the recent UN climate conference in Paris was worth all the trouble, travel and huge expense, and whether any benefits to Planet Earth and inhabitants will accrue, will find convincing answers in this 46-page special report by The New American. ...
Posted 28 December 2015
"Western capitalist societies have given up on rational thinking. They embrace junk science and junk economics and adopt wealth-destroying postmodern pseudo-economics, which teaches that taxpayer subsidies can produce desirable 'economic transformation' and faster growth....
Posted Christmas Day (25 December) 2015
The Christmas break is a good time for reading and video watching. For people interested in the on-going debate on climate change, and claims of "global warming", the recent hearing by the Science Sub-Committee of the Commerce Committee of the U.S.Senate on...
Posted 24 December 2015
"Another week, another study showing that our official climate data gatekeepers have been exaggerating the extent of 'global warming' to make it look more scary, more urgent, more desperately in need of extra funding for our official climate data gatekeepers... "
Posted 23 Decenber 2015
"The script for much of this year's UN COP21 climate conference....could have come directly out of [J M] Barrie's book [Peter Pan]. The UN believes they can sense climate danger decades in advance, a power that requires forgetting that every prior prediction they made turn...
Posted 23 December 2015
Writing in the Business Standard, New Delhi, Nitin Sethi reveals how India's diplomatic tenacity reduced the Paris climate talks to what became, in the end, a meaningless wish list. "The Indian team faced a tough challenge in the battle of attrition at Paris. It was man...
Posted 23 December 2015
G K Chesteron in The Oracle of the Dog: "It's part of something I've noticed more and more in the modern world, appearing in all sorts of newspaper rumours and conversational catchwords; something that's arbitrary without being authoritative. People readily swallow the...
Posted 21 December 2015
From Dr Judy Ryan in Australia:
Posted 21 December 2015
Professor Tim Ball, eminent Canadian climate scientist, explains in a posting to the website WattsUpWithThat, why law courts and politicians struggle with issues arising from climate change. "The answer is because they cannot say I am not qualified, although they tried,...
Posted 20 December 2015
"The COP21 jamboree in Paris is done and dusted. But, not surprisingly, the outcome has in practice changed little and the news media have moved on to other things. The only 'legally-binding' aspect of the agreement is that countries are obliged to put forward their plann...
Posted 19 December 2015
The Heartland Institute, of US, worked with other leading think tanks and advocacy groups to mount a counter-conference on 7 December in Paris challenging the climate alarmism expressed at the UN's COP21 event. In tbis posting, Heartland has combined videos and news releas...
Posted 15 December 2015
The Wall Street Journal has editorialised about the UN Paris climate talks, saying:
* nothing coming out of Paris will have any impact on the climate
* whatever new commitments the agreement contains are not specific or enforceable
* still no requir...
Posted 15 December 2015
The New York Times sums up the UN climate conference in Paris: "Several thousand climate activists from across Europe and many from farther afield gathered peacefully near the Arc de Triomphe on Saturday to protest the outcome of the COP21 climate conference 12 miles aw...
Posted 14 December 2015
"Emission reductions 80% below actual 1990 levels means the world would have to eliminate 96% of the greenhouse gases that all humantiy woiuld likely rtelease if we reach populations levels, economic growth and living standards projected for 2050. Without fossil fuels thos...