Posted 31 August 2013
Posted 28 August 2013
US financial commentator and blogger John Peterson makes interestinbg comments on tyhe relative significance of CO2 emissions to rich v poor countries. "I'm not a denier or an activist when it comes to the subject of climate change, but five years of blogging about investing...
Posted 27 August 2013
"Upon reflection on these temperature and CO2 data of the last thousand years, I conclude that the evidence presented here will cause unhappiness for both extreme alarmists and extreme skeptics. Maybe that’s a good thing. However, it still leaves open the question of climate...
Posted 18 August 2013
Larry Bell writes in Forbes magazine: "The New York Times feverishly repoprted on August 10 that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is about to issue another scary climate report. Dismissing the recent 17 years or so of flat global temperatures, th...
Posted 17 August 2013
Posted 25 July 2013
In a damning rebuttal of President Obama's recent claim of "accelerated warming", Viscount Christopher Monckton has posted to the Science & Public Policy Instiktute's (SPPI) website facts and graphs to show Mr Obama was just plain wrong! "The facts do not fit the Party Line, s...
Posted 24 July 2013
"Last week Australia's green movement suffered a defeat at least as big as those of the country;'s cricket and rugby teams. Mr Rudd announced that he would ditch the carbon tax than had threatened to consign his Labor Party to one of the worst defeats in its history. All over...
Posted 18 July 2013
Dr Geoff Duffy, a Professor Emeritus of University of Auckland, has published a set of 7 papers showing, inter alia, that climate models have failed to match actual observations, that Planet Earth is self-regulating, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant but essenti...
Posted 6 July 2013
Dr David Kear, former Director-General of the New Zealand Depoartment of Scientific & Industrial Research, former United National consultant, recognised as one of NZ's all-time greatest physical scientists has just printed and published at his own expense a booklet entitled: G...
Posted 27 June 2013
President Barack Obama’s naïve and error-riddled speech at Georgetown University on Tuesday clearly demonstrated that he is serious about trying to stop global climate change. However, as KIng Canute demonstrated with the tide, climate change is a natural event of such proport...
Posted 26 June 2013
Recent claims that there is a 97% consensus of climate science papers that "human activity is very likely causing most of the current anthropogenic global warming (AGW)" have been analysed by mathematician Lord Christopher Monckton, and reported on the website WattsUpWithThat....
Posted 24 June 2013
The greatest difficulty facing the promoters of the theory that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) cause dangerous global warming is the inconvenient truth that it is impossible to measure the average temperature of the earth’s surface by any known technology. Without thi...
Posted 24 June 2013
The greatest difficulty facing the promoters of the theory that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) cause dangerous global warming is the inconvenient truth that it is impossible to measure the average temperature of the earth’s surface by any known technology. Without thi...
Posted 22 June 2013
Tony Thomas writes in Quadrant Online in Australia:
"What fun! I have just voted in a global poll being conducted by the United Nations to discover what the people of the world care most about. I was global voter Number 623,813 and the 9246th voter from Australia. ...The r...
Posted 15 June 2013
When the UN climate talks opened in Bonn last week, Russia, joined by Ukraine and Belarus, blocked adoption of the agenda of the “Subsidiary Body for Implementation” (SBI). The SBI is the key negotiating track towards signing a UN climate treaty in Paris in 2015. The SBI has b...
Posted 14 June 2013
This links to a video of an address in Hamburg by Australian scientist, Professor Murry Saltby, decsribed as "demolishing the dubious CO2 AGW science. As well as showing explanatory text, it also links to a video of Prof Salty's hour-long address (which begins with a short int...
Posted 14 June 2013
"If the notion of global warming has gotten you all hot and bothered, here's something to really worry about. What if the opposite is occurring and global tempoeratures not only continue to remain flat, but getr much colder fo9r a very lonmg time? In fact, that's exactly wha...
This website is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor August H. (Augie) Auer jr, and Owen McShane, key members of the group who co-founded the Coalition.