Posted 9 December 2010

"Read this and weep. Notwithstanding the carefully-orchestrated propaganda to the effect that nothing much will be decided at the UN climate conference here in Cancun, the decisions to be made here this week signal nothing less than the abdication of the West. The governin...

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Posted 7 December 2010

NIWA has great difficulty distinguishing science from propaganda, according to Hon Barry Brill, chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.


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December 4, 2010, 12:00 am News

Posted 4 December 2010

"Average temperatures or temperature ranges are often used as a simple proxy for climate.....Records kept over the years give us historical figures to make comparisons between average temperatures then and now. This sounds simple, but the very concept of an average temperat


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Posted 2 December 2010

"New Zealand Ministers, Tim Groser and Dr Nick Smith, need to pause to consider what will be in the best interests of we Kiwis whom they will represent. They know already, in advance, that no decisions of any consequence will emerge from Cancun.  Rather than seeking to bask...

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Posted 20 November 2010

"There is a widespread public perception that increasing emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by humans is harmful to the climate and that it causes a general warming of the earth’s surface, There is also a widespread public perception that these beliefs have


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Posted 19 November 2010

"Global warming became too black and white a concept to fit with the vagaries of weather systems and quickly grew to be the butt of jokes when the weather was unseasonably cold (ironically, there were early snowfalls on the day that the UK Climate Change Act was passed). '


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Postred 15 November 2010

 Dr David Evans, a scientist formerly with the Australian Greenhouse Office 1999-2005, has completed a paper that exposes the corruption behind claims of man-made "global warming'.   It's simple and pictorial, with a minimum of words, perfect for lay people. It answers th...

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Posted 15 November 2010

In New Zealand, public more skeptical of global warming claims. Read more here  

 Green energy policies collapsing in USA and UK

**CCNet - 14 November 2010

The Climate Policy Network

Green Energy Policies Face Collapse In UK & USA


Nothing m...

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Posted 14 November 2010

"Despite alarmist propaganda there is much evidence to suggest that the ice sheets are in good health........Of course even if we believe global sea level is rising, it takes another leap of faith to accept that it is caused by minuscule increases in atmospheric carbon dio...

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Posted 14 November 2010

"The question is whether the breaking of ranks within the climate change establishment is one of the first signs of the return of objectivity and a true scientific debate, or whether the wagons will be circled by the diehards and the war of attrition continued. The best ho


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Posted 10 November 2010

"I cannot recall ever before seeing such a huge mismatch between the views of the establishment — the politicians, the media, the chattering classes — and real people, on any issue.  The leaders have hitched their wagons to climate hysteria, but the people have seen that t...

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Posted 5 November 2010

With the United Nations Climate Change Conference coming up at the end of the month in Cancun, Mexico, we will soon be inundated with visions of future calamity. “The science of climate change is settled,” U.N. officials and national leaders will warn. “Only ‘climate change...

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Posted 29 October 2010

 "The Climate Change Act was not only by far the most expensive law ever passed by Parliament, it represented as great a collective flight from reality as this once great institution has ever witnessed. It is time that flight from  reality began seriously to be reversed. An


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Posted 23 October 2010

"But over the past year or so [Judith Curry] has become better known for something that annoys, even infuriates, many of her scientific colleagues. Curry has been engaging actively with the climate change skeptic community, largely by participating on outsider blogs... Alon...

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Posted 23 October 2010

"I like Carter’s emphasis on the crucial difference between global warming (which is part of normal scientific discourse) and ‘dangerous anthropogenic global warming’ (which is ideological propaganda). He is also right when talking about the difficulty in defining who is an...

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Posted 23 October 2010

"So I got to pondering James Hansen’s statement about the Grandchildren, and also Fullers postulation of a historically unlikely 2°warming this century. Two degrees per century is eight-tenths of a degree by 2050, so my questions were:  What would I do differently if I knew...

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Posted 22 October 2010

"The current debate is a public policy debate with enormous implications.[3] It is no longer about climate. It is about the government, the politicians, their scribes and the lobbyists who want to get more decision making and power for themselves. It seems to me that the wi...

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Posted 21 October 2010

In his latest 10-page report, John McLean exposes how the IPCC doesn't check what its authors write, except via reviewers who work ad hoc and "according to their experience and knowledge", but IPCC authors are not obliged to modify their text according to reviewers' comment...

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October 15, 2010, 3:53 am News

Posted 15 October 2010

"Of the many pseudoscientific institutions responsible for pushing the pseudoscientific fraud of Man Made Global Warming in recent years, few have been quite so assiduous in promulgating the great lie as our own Royal Society. 'Pseudoscientific' may seem a bit of a harsh ch...

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Posted 15 October 2010

The AGW religion in Germany is in deep trouble. Consensus is crumbling. the science is coming under attack. It’s taken a awhile, but slowly and surely, Germany, once the premier power in science, is beginning to ask questions again. When lectures and seminars questioning cl...

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