Posted 10 September
In the latest edition of Forbes magazine, Larry Bell talks to aviation pioneer Bert Rutan about use of data in assessing climate change. Said Bert: "The first thing that got my attention, a lot of people’s attention, was statements that the entire planet is heading towards a...
Posted 7 September 2012
In the High Court, Mr Justice Venning has ruled against the case taken by New Zealand Climate Science Education Trust to declare invalid the temperature records compiled by the National Institute of Water & Atmosphere (NIWA).
Download judgement [here ](nz climate scien...
Posted 6 September 2012
Nored Canadian climatologist Dr Tim Ball has produced an illustrated paper entitled "Polar Bear Propaganda - A Useful Tool for the Promotion of Environmental Hysteria and Poiliticized Science". He quotes Nobel Physicist Richard Feynman who said, “Reality must take preceden...
Posed 3 September 2012
Issues relating to climate and its variability have been among the most vulnerable to assault on freedom of speech. This topic was addressed recently in Australia by Senator George Brandis when he delivered the third Sir Harry Gibbs Memorial Oration to the 2012 Annual Conf...
Posted 2 September 2012
Some of the oldest climate records, especially in the fields of drought and hydrology, exist in South Africa, where Professor W J R (Will) Alexander has been a leading practitioner for many years. His latest papers will have relevance well beyond the borders of the republi...
Posted 1 September 2012
Posted 21 August 2012
"Statistical analyses of hydrological time series are an essential component for the development and management of water resources in countries with dry climates. This becomes critical as the water requirements approach the maximum available resources. To complicate matters,...
Posted 20 August 2012
"Over the past half century, none of our threatened eco-pocalypses have played out as predicted. Some came partly true; some were averted by action; some were wholly chimerical. This raises a question that many find discomforting: With a track record like this, why should pe...
Posted 15 August 2012
"The hysteria sweeping the country over fracking is like a modern-day version of the Chicken Licken story... It is time to inject some science and common sense into the debate. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, has been used in New Zealand for decades. Some 25 years ago, fr...
Posted 2 August 2012
"In the theory of man-made climate change, two-thirds of the predicted warming comes from changes in humidity and clouds, and only one-third comes directly from the extra carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases. The theory assumes humidity and clouds amplify t...
Posted 1 August 2012
Recent alarmist scaremongering in the United States about "unprecedented" extreme weather events, repeated by news media in Australia and New Zealand, have been firmly rebutted by the Alabama State climatologist, Dr John R Christy in testimony before the American Senate Envir...
Posted 30 July 2012
A re-analysis of U.S. surface station temperatures has been performed using the recently WMO-approved Siting Classification System devised by METEO-France’s Michel Leroy. The new siting classification more accurately characterizes the quality of the location in terms of monito...
Posted 26 July 2012
Viscount Christopher Monckton has posted a detailed rebuttal under the above title:
"Be skeptical, be very skeptical, of Skeptic magazine’s skepticism of climate skeptics. The latest issue has, as its cover story, a Climate Change Q&A, revealingly subtitled 'Climate Denie...
Posted 25 July 2012
Posted 25 July 2012
"The 15-year battle in Canada over the Kyoto Protocol ended last week when the Federal Court ruled the Stephen Harper government’s withdrawal from the agreement was legal. Countries that do not meet their emission targets and did not withdraw before the end of 2011 — as allowe...
Posted 15 July 2012
"New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is a scam and a waste. The ETS taxes our elderly trying to heat their homes and then uses the revenue to subsidise multi-national Japanese companies. These companies bought forests in New Zealand. Their trees are now subsidised bec...
Posted 13 July 2012
A move by the Royal Society of New Zealand to lokk at what it calls the "human carrying capacity" of our country, has provoked an interesting discussion within our Coalition ranks.Start with reading a paper by Dr Tim Ball of Canada, linked here
Posted 4 July 2012
New Zealand energy observer Jim Hopkins explains why the Greens' economic vision has more loose ends than a dysentery epidemic.
Download pdf here