Posted 3 December 2016

"China is scrambling to mine and burn more coal. A lack of stockpiles and worries about electricity blackouts are spurring Chinese officials to reverse curbs that once helped reduce coal production. Mines are reopening. Miners are being lured back with fatter paychecks. Chi...

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Posted 28 November 2016

"Global average temperatures over land have plummeted by more than 1C since the middle of this year - their biggest and steepest fall on record. The news comes amid mounting evidence that the recent run of world high temperatures is about to end. The fall, revealed by NASA...

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Posted 28 November 2016

"The climate-change debate has many people wondering whether we should really turn over public policy  - which deals with fundamental matters of human freedom - to a state-appointed scientific establishment. Must moral imperatives give way to the judgement of technical exp...

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Posted 25 November 2016

"Mankind's burning of fossil fuels may not be the primary cause of global warming, according to the shock results of a new study by scientists behind the Large Hadron Collider (LCH).  Boffins from CERN have also discovered projected temperatiure increases over the next cen...

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Posted 22 November 2016

"In a truly historic political climate change the nation [America] elected a skeptical new President who believes 'There is still much that needs to be investigated in the field of climate change.' Rather than waste more financial resources [trying to prevent what has been...

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Posted 22 November 2016

"These same sneer-and-smear techniques predominate in the debate over climate change. President Obama promotes his green agenda by announcing that 'the debate is settled', and he denounces 'climate deniers' by claiming that 97 percent of scientists believe that global warm...

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Posted 21 November 2016

The latest post by U.K.'s Scientific Alliance explains how people round the world are being misled by so-called scientific claims of global warming, based on nothing more than computer projections, which are themselves based on unproven data assumptions (also known as 'gar


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Posted 17 November 2016

Tony Heller records on the RealClimateScience blog that Greenland's surface has been gaining 3.5 billions of ice per day since 1 September. This is about 50% above normal, as his graph shows. And it is occurring just as land temperatures are cooling at a record rate.


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Posted 17 November 2016

Holman Jenkins writes in the Wall Street Journal how honest debate about whether or not man-made climate change is real has been perverted by warmits propagandists:  "There’s a reason today’s climate movement increasingly devotes its time and energy to persecuting heretics


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Posted 16 November 2016

This is an extract from a 43-page report by U.S. think tank CFACT telling the U.N. COP22 climate conference that its efforts will prove futile. "CO2 is not the tail that wags the dog. CO2 is a trace essential gas, but without it life on earth would be impossible. Carbon d...

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Posted 14 November 2016

The New York Times reports on what may prove to be the first and definitive step in countering the "global warming" hoax in America, the appointment of Myron Ebell to head transition if the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): "In looking for someone to follow thr...

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Posted 2 November 2016

This short book is a must-read and must-have for everyone who wants to arm themselves with facts to counter the spurious claims that assail us daily that we humans are responsible for "dangerous global warming" because of our emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). It is readily...

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co2 greening the earth

October 30, 2016, 3:21 am News

Posted 31 October 2016

FIrst our apologies for not licking this up when it first apopeared in April 2016 

From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study...

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Posted 31 October 2016

A new paper by UK MP Peter Lilley, a former senior Minister, is a devastating analysis 10 years later of the Stern Review, in which the now Lord Nicholas Stern attempted to assess the adverse economic effects of "climate change" a.k.a. man-made global warming. In a foreword...

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Posted 28 October 2016

Because the scaremongering propagandists are at again with claims that our oceans are becoming "more acidic", it's time to remind ourselves that this never was, and never will be, true. This piece at WattsUpWithThat, by Clyde Spencer explains why. "Some areas of oceans, not...

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Posted 22 October 2016

Tom Sheahen reminds us: "About a decade ago, in bis book 'Heaven and Earth', Australian geologist Ian Pimer wrote that undersea vents and volcanoes were a major source that has been totally neglected. Nobody responded, nobody counter-argued, because nobody knew what to say...

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Posted 19 October 2016

In the annual address to UK's Global Warming Policy Foundation, Viscount Matt Ridley said that sceptics are winning the climate argument: "When Nigel Lawson set up GWPF in 2009, virtually everybody agreed that global warming was the greatest threat to humankind in the twen...

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Posted 11 October 2016

Christopopher Booker writes in the UK Telegraph about how claims made in the UK Guardian 100 months ago about climate calamities due to made-made global warming have gruned out to be fantasies: " All the computer models which predicted these horrors were programmed to ass...

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Posted 27 September 2016

Seven scientists have delivered a stunning rebuff to 375 US signatories to an open letter claiming we humans have caused "global warming." The seven say: "The activists say we are warming the lower atmosphere. Yet on all datasets, the atmosphere is warming at less than ha...

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Posted 27 September 2016

A new and important study on sea levels finds: "the amount of erosion on Diego Garcia over ther last 50 years is almost exactly balanced by the amount of accretion, suggesting the island to be in a state of equilibrium." Commenting on the significance of this finding, aut...

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