Posted 16 May 2010

"What if we don’t adequately understand important climatic systems (such as clouds or oceans) to simulate them accurately in the computer models used to predict climatic change? What if the stated positions of key scientific societies are under assault by the member rank and fi...

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Posted 15 May 2010

"Authors veteran meteorologists Joe D’Aleo and Anthony Watts analyzed temperature records from all around the world for a major SPPI paper, Surface Temperature Records – Policy-driven Deception? The startling conclusion that we cannot tell whether there was any significant “g...

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Posted 15 May 2010

"Piecing together the provenance of the New Zealand historical temperature record has been no easy task..... The New Zealand mainstream media, all highly partisan on climate change matters, have evinced little interest in the scandal to date.  Science claims a special place in...

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Posted 11 May 2010

"The truth is that climate alarmism has become the most expensive, and the most wasteful, project in the history of the world.  It is junk economics built on junk science.  It amounts to no more than hot air, yet it looks set to beggar our grandchildren. "  - Roger Helmer, Memb...

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Posted 6 May 2010

In a rousing speech today to Waikato Federated Farmers, the leader of New Zealand's ACT Party, Hon Rodney Hide, called for suspension forthwith of the ETS legislation due to come into force on 1 Julyy. " A decision to suspend ETS temporarily - say until Australia adopts a simila...

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Posted 2 May 2010

"New Zealand climate scientists embroil themselves in as much of a climate data fraud scandal as Climategate and with eerily similar methods and results." John O'Sullivan writint at, and quoted in SEPP's  "The Week That Was". 


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Posted 1 May 2010

Flight test engineer Burt Rutan, who has spent a lifetime in data analysis, interpretation and presentation applies his unique professional talents to a searching examination of the way certain members of the scientific community have handled the theory that the burning of fossi...

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Posted 30 April 2010

"All over the globe, politicians of different ideological stripes are reconsidering the costs of slashing greenhouse gases to combat the speculative problem of global warming."  Tom Switzer, of the University of Sydney, writes in the Wall Street Journal Asia about the polit


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Posted 27 April 2010

Leaders of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition have taken advantage of YouTube to take to their fellow-countrymen their message that the National-led Government's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) due for introduction on 1 July 2010 must be deferred until other countries c...

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Posted 21 April 2010

" does appear that the public at large is becoming increasingly aware that something other than science is going on with regard to climate change, and that the proposed policies are likely to cause severe problems for the world economy. Climategate may thus have had an e...

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Posted 20 April 2010

"A week ago the world was faced with its first climate-related decision after endless discussions at some of the world's premium pleasure resorts. The World Bank approved South Africa's loan application. Its motivation was that the prosperity of the region was paramount.
I b...

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Posted 19 April 2010

"If you were faced with by far the biggest bill of your life, would you not want to be confident that there was a very good reason why you should pay it? That is why we need to know just how far we can trust the science behind the official view that the world is threatened wi...

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Posted 10 April 2010

"This is the story of how I spent 2 years trying to publish a paper that refutes an important claim in the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The claim in question is not just wrong, but based on fabricated evidence. Showing that the claim is...

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Posted  9 April 2010

A statement on climate change issued by the vice-president of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ), Professor Keith Hunter, has been described as "deeply flawed" in an Open Letter to the president of RSNZ by the chairman of the NZ Climate Science Coalition, Hon Barry Brill...

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Posted 4 April 2010

"So when the Germans say 'Auf Wiedersehn AGW' it really is time for the rest of the world to sit up and take notice. And that’s exactly what they just have said. See for yourself in this tear-inducing glorious feature in one of their leading newspapers. Der Spiegel has done a...

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Posted 2 April 2010

"Plagued by reports of sloppy work, falsifications and exaggerations, climate research is facing a crisis of confidence. How reliable are the predictions about global warming and its consequences? And would it really be the end of the world if temperatures rose by more than th...

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Posted 2 April 2010

"The House of Commons committee self-consciously refused to pose any probing questions, and its main aim seemed to be to ensure that the moral status of the current consensus on climate change remained intact. What is most remarkable about the committee’s report is that it ope...

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Posted 31 March 2010

"Kevin Rudd declared climate change 'the great moral and economic challenge of our time'.  Now the legislation has become less important than getting 30 per cent of the GST from the states so the Commonwealth can rearrange financing in the hospital system. Can a momentous mor...

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Posted 29 March 2010

"If precipitation exceeds melting the glacier advances: if melting exceeds precipitation the glacier recedes, but there will be a time lag between cause and effect. In ice sheets it may take many thousands of years for ice to flow from the accumulation area to the melting are...

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Posted 26 March 2009

The unfair financial impact  on a typical New Zealand farmer of a totally unnecessary and unjustfied emissions trading scheme are described in stark terms by a Gisborne farming couple, Neil and Esther Henderson, in the pdf document attached. Current New Zealand government pol...

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