Posted 16 May 2009

Thirty-three years after he graduated from Utah Valley University, energy company CEO Keith Rattie returned to tell 2009 grads about the choices that will face them in a world of 9 billion people by 2050, and in which 2 bn of the present 6.5 bn don't even have electricity - the...

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Posted  11 May 2009

On May 4, the New Zealand Climate Science Coaltiion presented its oral submission to the Parliamentary Select Committee reviewing the Emissions Trading Scheme Act passed by the previous Labour-led government..In addition to its main submissions, the Coalition presented two sup...

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May 9, 2009, 1:42 am News

Originally published August 2008

"The obsessive fear of carbon, carbon emissions, and carbon dioxide is totally irrational.

In the first place, carbon was forged in the unimaginable heat of the supernovae to become the fourth most common element in the universe and the most common o...

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Posted 9 May 2009

On two successive days, writers in Australia's top national newspaper, The Australian, have called the Rudd Government's stance on ETS into serious question.

Terry McCann says the $80 billion budget turnround  "makes an overwhelming case that the Government's emissions trad...

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Posted 9 May 2009

"Where is the global upside if New Zealand artificially throttles back its agricultural production, allowing less efficient producers to fill the void? New Zealand doesn't produce cars or televisions any more because we were bad at it. In fact, the planet would be better off if...

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May 7, 2009, 10:16 am News

Posted 8 May 2009

"...Another force has driven science into its present parlous state where the output of computer software is held in higher regard than observational data, where marketing spin is more important than fact and evidence, and where a trenchant defence of the notion of man-made glob


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Posted 8 May 2009

"I am surprised at how so many people nowadays in Europe, the United States and elsewhere have come to support policies underpinned by hysteria over global warming. particularly cap-and-trade legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and subsidies for "green" energy sources


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Posed 5 May 2009

"It is human arrogance to think that we can control climate, a process that transfers huge amounts of energy. Once we control the smaller amount of energy transferred by volcanoes and earthquakes, then we can try to control climate. Until then, climate politics is just a load of...

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Posted 29 April 2009

In an interview on BBC radio, Professor Mike Hulme, of Britain's Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research says approaching climate change head on is completely the wrong approach - “climate change is not going to be solved in our lifetime.”  Philip Stott writes that Mike th...

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Posted 29 April 2009

"The greenhouse effect is real, as is the enhancement due to increasing carbon dioxide concentration. However, the likely extent of global temperature rise from a doubling of carbon dioxide is less than 1C. Such warming is well within the envelope of variation experienced dur


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Posted 24 April 2009

"The science of climate change continues to evolve and regardless of the outcome of the climate debate, observational data suggests that we may be served well by basing our climate agenda, scientifically and economically, on a broader perspective than that in the IPCC outline...

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Posted 23 April 2009

"To judge by actions rather than words, however, few people and almost no national governments actually believe in the infinite rewards of exorcising carbon from economic life. Kyoto has hurt the anti-carbon mission far more than carbon zealots seem to grasp. It has proved on...

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Posted 18 April 2009

Professor Ian Plimer is described as Australia's top earth scientist.  His new book, Heaven and Earth prompted Sydney Morning Herald journalist Paul Sheehan to re-examine his previous attitudes to claims of man-made global warming. Read Sheehan's review here:  LINK  


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Posted 16 April 2009

"Your original estimates of costs and benefits of the Climate Change Bill showed that its potential costs of some £205 billion were almost twice the maximum benefits of £110 billion. This was embarrassing for you because the reason governments are required to publish an Impac


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Posted 12 April 2009:

"At root, all of the red-flagged irregularities, errors, and exaggerations identified herein have their origin in the IPCC' s central exaggeration of the four parameters whose product is the temperature response to anthropogenic increases in carbon dioxide concentration.  I...

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Posted 12 April 2009

“Greenpeace has yet again ignored scientific reality in the recent misleading claims by its political advisor Geoff Keey about the threatened collapse of the Wilkins Ice Shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula,” says Terry Dunleavy of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.   ...

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March 13, 2009, 8:00 am News

Posted 13 March 2009

Former US President Bill Clinton is remembered for his reminder to White House staff  when analysing problems in America: "It's the economy, stupid!". Professor Bob Carter, in his address to the 2nd International Conference on Climate Change in New York, drew on this for his t


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 2009 International Conference on Climate Change: Update #3

Dan Miller

NEW YORK--Willie Soon, a Harvard University astrophysicist and geophysicist with scores of peer-reviewed papers and boo...

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2009 International Conference on Climate Change: Update #2

Dan Miller

NEW YORK -- Former Vice President Al Gore, the most prominent proponent of global warming alarmism, was the target of biting humo...

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