Posted 2 October 2015
A new, peer-reviewed professional paper shows that our sun, not our carbon dioxide, causes climate change. It also shows atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are an insignificant player, and possibly a non-player, in climate change. The authors, Willie Soon, Ronan Conno...
Posted 29 September 2015
"If you've ever expressed the least bit if skepticism about envuronmebtal calls for making the vast majorioty of fossil fuel use illegal, you've probably heard the smug response: "97% of climate scientists agree with climate change" - which always carries the implication:...
Posted 28 September 2015
"The World Bank predicts that by 2035 the middle class will grow from 3 billion to 5 billion out of a total population of 8 billion. BP estimates that the world demand for energy will increase by another 40 per cent in total; more than 80 per cent of that will again be pr...
Posted 28 September 2015
Dr Judith Curry writes: "Doubt and Certainty in Climate Science is an important new book that everyone should read. And it's free. It is a privilege to make available to you the book Doubt and Certainty in Climate Science, by Alan Longhurst [link Lonhurst clean to do...
Posted 25 September 2015
"Rather than simply follow the United Nations on climate change, Pope Francis must consider whether U.N. climate policies are doing more harm than good," said Tom Harris, Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC). "...
Posted 25 September 2015
"Amid all the reporting of Volkswagen’s rigging of emission tests on its diesel cars, one inconvenient truth has been overlooked by the BBC and many media organisations. It is that we very largely owe the prevalence of these death-traps to the pernicious tyranny of the Gr...
Up-dated 25 September 2015 (Originally posted 31 August 2015)
Long-time member of our Coalition, Dr Gerrit van der Lingen explains in this essay why we skeptics are the "black swans" of the climate debate. "Looking back on my fifteen years of involvement in the climate debate, a song from the op...
Posted 22 September 2015
Posted 22 September 2015
"On September 23, 24 and 25 Pope Francis will meet with President Barack Obama at the White House, speak to a joint session of Congress, and address the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. A major thrust of his message will be to urge action to reduce man...
Posted 21 September 2015
"Pope Francis embodies sanctity but comes trailing clouds of sanctimony. With a convert's indiscriminate zeal, he embraces ideas impeccably fashionable, demonstrably false and deely reactionary. They would devastate the poor on whose behalf he purports to speak - if his p...
Posted 19 September 2015
"You have signed the death warrant for science." This is the dire assertion by Peter Webster, as reported by prominent U.S. climate scientist Dr Judith Curry. commenting on the actions of a group of scientists who have written to President Obama supporting a call by a U.S...
Posted 17 September 2015
"Our overall conclusion is that a confluence of scientific uncertainty, political opportunism, and ideological predisposition in an area of scientific study of phenomena of great practical interest has fomented an artificial boom in that scientific discipline. The boom is...
Posted 16 September 2015
"Every freak weather event is now, quite erroneously, attributed to man-made climate change. I retain faith in the self-correcting nature of science, and, if the temperatures do not rise for another five years, climate scientists will be back to the drawing board, as the...
Posted 16 September 2015
Founder member of our NZ Climate Science Coalition, Bryan Leyland, who is also our spokesman on energy issues (a field in which he is an internationally respected consultant) comments on recent events in New Zealand: "Things you know that ain't so - governments can rely o...
Posted 16 September 2015
A hysterically overwrought piece in a recent edition of the New York Times by one Timothy Snyder, a professor of history at Yale University, in which he tries to equate "global warming" with Adoph Hitler's Holocaust against German Jews, has drawn a withering response fr...
Posted 15 September 2015
Posted 6 September 2015
Posted 30 August 2015
With what seems increasing regularity in the run up to the next UNFCCC meeting in Paris in December, we get breathless assertions of such and such a month is "the hottest ever". The latest example has been posted by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (...
Posted 30 August 2015
The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) has been scaremongering again, with the director of its Earth Science Division warning that rising seas will have "profound impacts" around the world, suggesting that low-lying US states such as Florida are at risk of dis...