Posted 7 February 2017
"Remember that 'other' climate change catastrophe....the one where we were warned (even before SUVs) about how we were prematurely bringing on the next Ice Age? Yeah, even back in the chilly 1900s that was our fault also. Scientists worried that deforestation was increasing...
Posted 7February 2017
"The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change." Davi...
Posted 5 February 2017
"Things you know that ain't so - 2016 was the warmest recorded year; global warming is real and dangerous. Or so they tell you. But when you examine the facts, you come to the opposite conclusion. It is a classic example of using half-truths to mislead. They don't tell y...
Posted 23 January 2017
Viscount Christopher Monckton of Brenchley has replied to an American paediatrician, Paul Offit, demolishing unproven claims about man-made "global warming." Monckton concludes: "It is the other way about. Facts, Offit, facts. So much more interesting than petty prejudices...
Posted 17 January 2017
Distinguished U.S. scientist, Professor William Happer has just posted for the Global Warming Policy Foundation in UK a definitive paper explaining why greenhous gases, and especially the trace gas Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are essential for life on Planet Earth. In it, he comme...
Posted 9 January 2017
Australian climate researcher Jennifer Marohassy has investigated the claim of our country's Bureau of Meterology that 2016 has been the hottest on record. An extract from her post: " The hottest summer was perhaps in 1938-39; at Rutherglen this summer was a full 2oC hotter...
Posted 9 January 2017
Introducing him at the United States Senate in 2015, Ted Cruz called Mark Steyn "an international best seling author, a Top Five jazz recording artist and a leading Canadian human rights activist" Mark has also written about global warming hysteria (aka climate change) and...
Posted 6 January 2017
Dr Roy Spencer* posts temperature readings that show that global temperatures in El Nino year 2016 were not statistically warmer that the previous El Nino peak in 1998.
*Dr Spencer, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, was previously S...
Posted 6 January 2017
Dr Christopher Essex reviews the climate politics of 2016 (and goes on to recall gallant skeptic scientists who died in that year): "Postmodern jounralism maintains that the science of climate is like a toothpaste commercial where a consensus of dentists determines what to...
Posted 4 January 2017
Professor Larry Bell writes: "Despite 'record' atmospheric CO2 levels, satellite records which have been available only since 1979 show that other than naturally-occurring 1998 and 2015 El Nino temperature spikes, no statistically significant global warming has occurred for...
Posted 31 December 2016
The inauguration on 20 January 2017 of new American President Donald Trump will be sure to introduce new investigations into the integrity of the received hypothesis that humans can or do raise the global temperature to dangerous levels (aka 'climate change'). Already the...
Posted 30 December 2016
What is interesting in this post, is the depth and detail of study of sea levels in the Indian Ocean undertaken by a leading world authority, Professor Nils-Axel Morner. His conclusion: "Available key site records in the Indian Ocean indicate an absence of traces of a rise...
Posted 21 December 2016
Dr Ed Berry writes: "Everybody believed Al Gore. Well, almost everybody. His simple, inaccurate description of how our climate works created a generation of science deniers, some with PhD's. Al Gore turned climate science into a political-environmental movement. The alarmi...
Posted 17 December 2016
Distinguished American climate scientist Judith Curry has some advice for her alarmist colleagues who are talking about hiding their data from incoming President Donald Trump: "Get over it, your side lost....Get busy and shore up your scientific arguments; I suspect that a...
Posted 13 December 2016
A new report published in London by the Global Warming Policy Foundation reveals the extraordinary £319 billion cost of Britain's Climate Change Act. The report, which is based entirely on official figures, exposes the mischievous attempts by ministers to try to disguise...
Posted 13 December 2016
New official data issued by the UK Met Office confirms that world average temperatures have plummeted since the middle of the year at a faster and steeper rate than any any time in the recent past. "The huge fall follows a report by this newspaper that temperatures have co...
Posted 9 December 2016
Former UK Labour Party Minister, Lord Donoughue has urged his party to ditch its climate change obsession: "In 2008, I was one of the many members of both houses who unquestionably voted for Ed Miliband's Climate Change Act, with its legal commitments to rapidly decarbonise...
Posted 9 December 2016
The Heartland Institute has just up-dated and reformatted a written submission it made to the Commons Select Committee of the British Parliament in October 2013, in response to an inquiry into the findings of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as publ...
Posted 3 December 2016
"As long as America remains an active participant in the [UN Framework Convention on Climate Change], future administrations will be under pressure to ratify new Convention agreements, and billions of dollars will continue to be wasted. The President-elect must put a final...