Posted 10 November 2014

"America's Democrats, and one well-heeled 'carbon capitalist' in particular, received a monumental thrashing in the US midterm elections, despite a lavishly financed ad campaign of eco-alarmist propaganda. It seems voters are nowhere near so dopey as their betters imagined


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Posted 8 November 2014

"Whether emissions of carbon dioxide from human activity are causing dangerous climate change or not is an exceptionally difficult science question. Leading experts cannot agree on the causes of these changes or what future awaits us. It’s about time the media stopped prete...

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Posted 8 November 2014

Hat tip to Philip Foster in UK for drawing attention to the emergence of an interesting new blog, by Jonathan Graham, who is described as a sceptic of climate and other illiberal matters.


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Posted 8 November 2014

OK, there may seem to be an element of hucksterism in what you will read in this post, but there are also some distbuirbing facts, including the Sun as being as the prime cause of  warming and cooling of Planet Earth, so it's well worth the read to get to those facts.  Over...

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Posted 7 November 2014

Maurice Newman, chairman of the Australian Prime Minister's Business Advisory Committee, writing in The Australian, says:

"Climate scientists have been telling us for decades with '95 per cent certainty' that temperatures would move in lock step with CO2 concentratio...

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Posted 30 October 2014

The internationally respected scientific journal, Environmental Modeling & Assessment has just published a peer-reviewed paper by three New Zealanders that finds temperatures in that country increased by just 0.3 oC, a third of the officially claimed 0.9 oC used hitherto...

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Posted 30 October 2014

The co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr Patrick Moore has left a Melbourne audience in no doubt that the so-called 'environmental organisation' is a not only an enemy of progress, it regards the waste of human life as collateral damage in its crusade to hector, harass and hobble a...

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Posted 29 October 2014

In a comprehensive paper, Dr William Kininmonth, former head of Australia's National Climate Center, traces the history of the recording of global temperatures, and the development of computerised General Circulation Models (GCMs) for tracking purposes. He concludes thsat G...

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22 October 2014

“Carbon pollution” is a propaganda slogan for the campaign against carbon dioxide (CO2). It is not science. Atmospheric CO2 is not a pollutant but is essential for plant growth. Current CO2 levels are far below optimum for most plants, and far below norms of geological histo...

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Posted 20 July 2014

"When I ask him how he feels about the label of 'climate-change sceptic' (although some environmental campaigners would choose the word 'denier'), the peer, who was also Thatcher's energy secretary, says: 'I would rather you call me a climate-change dissenter because my object...

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Posted 18 July 2014

"That was America’s first discernible signal that a movement of social change is coalescing around climate realism to disrupt the entrenched climate establishment with assurance, conviction and determination to topple its regime. Face it, the climate change movement has peak...

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Posted 3 June 2014

"Since last week’s press releases, thousands of Antarctic photos and text items on the internet have been relabeled, and you can scarcely find any mention of Antarctica now without reference to ‘the unstoppable, collapsing Antarctic ice sheet.’ From all of the media hype, you...

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Posted 13 May 2014

University of Manchester professor emeritus of chemical thermodynamics Leslie Woodcock observes that the green lobby has created a “do-good industry” premised upon an unsubstantiated hypothesis that CO2 fossil emissions cause dangerous “global warming.” In a recent interview wi...

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7 May 2014

"It hardly needs to be said that climate modelling is a far-from-settled science, despite what its practitioners would have us believe. Just how flawed becomes even more apparent when you consider that massive heat sources on the ocean floor have been entirely omitted from the warmists...

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6 May 2014

In a recent speec h in Bath, England, Lord Nigel Lawson delivered a logical, almost spell-binding lecture on global warming alarmism, in whIch he said early: " bottom this is not a scientific issue. That is to say, the issue is not climate change but climate change alarmism, and...

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5 May 2014

"We are seeing an increasing use of the ‘Noble Lie’, a concept introduced by Plato in The Republic. Plato believed that most people lacked the intelligence to behave in ways that are in their own and society’s best interest. Consequently, he advocated creating religious lies that are f...

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Posted 11 April 2014

Dr Tom Sheahen, on WattsUpWithThat? answers this important question about methane:

  • Q: I read that methane is an even worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and cattle are a big source of methane emissions. How are they going to regulate that? Not just cattle, but dair...

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Posted 11 April 2014

"The International Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) is in the middle of the long process of making public its Fifth Assessment Report, a massive compilation of research papers published since the previous report saw the light of day in 2007....The WGIII Summary for Policyma


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Posted 7 April 2014

"The theory of global warming is a gigantic weather forecast for a century or more. However interesting the scientific inquiries involved, therefore, it can have almost no value as a prediction. Yet it is as a prediction that global warming (or, as we are now ordered to call i...

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Posted 7 April 2014

"When future generations come to look back on the alarm over global warming that seized the world towards the end of the 20th century, much will puzzle them as to how such a scare could have arisen. They will wonder why there was such a panic over a 0.4 per cent rise in global...

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