NZ CLIMATE & ENVIROTRUTH No. 153 - July 2007
New Zealand Association of Scientists discussion paper
Climate change
Vincent Gray
75 Silverstream Road. Crofton Downs, Wellington 603...
An abundance of new peer-reviewed studies, analysis, and data error discoveries has prompted scientists to declare that fear of catastrophic man-made global warming “bites the dust” and the scientific underpinnings for alarm may be “falling apart.” (Note: some links don't work; most do)
Recent days have brought to light four more highly "inconvenient truths" for our global warming alarmists.
"This background steady temperature increase is an artifact of the methods used in the collection and processing of the surface temperature data rather than an indication of warming from increases in anthropogenic greenhouse gases."
link to download pdf
[](gray.temp oscillation2.pdf)
"Their scientific arguments have been countered by the usual howling pack of journalists and warming believers. Not with one fact, but only with mockery and appeals to the mob."
140807 Marc Morano’s Round-up August 14, 2007
UK Officially Admits Global Warming Has Stopped!
[Marc Morano statement for attribution on UK Met Office: “The UK Met Office has finally been forced to concede what the data has shown for almost a decade, global warming has officially stopped! In o...
Climate of intolerance
Newsweek has used climate change as its cover story this week, under
the title 'The truth about denial'. The gist of the argument is that there
is a well-funded 'denial industry'...
About us and why
Coalition's mission:
To represent accurately, and without prejudice, facts regarding climate change; to provide considered opinion on matter...
AUGUST 12, 2007
Dr Vincent Gray, Wellington, New Zealand
Environmental fanatics who had confidently predicted the coming ice age in the 1970s changed tack in the 1980s when the climate took the upward path of its regular 65-70 year osc...
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We have produced new evidence that will eventually lead to the conclusion that variations in solar activity and not the burning of fossil fuels are the direct cause of the observed multiyear variations in climatic responses.
[link ](ee 18-6_alexander.pdf) to download pdf [](ee 18-6_alexander.pdf...
090807 Marc Morano’s Round Up– August 9, 2007
Stephen Hawking Warns Earth’s Temps May Reach 250 Degrees C!
(From DiCaprio’s "The 11th Hour")
Excerpt: The narrative of the film repeatedly emphasizes that the very fate of the human race is at stake. Change isn’t just a good thing to do for...
080807 Marc Morano’s Round-up– August 8, 2007
UK Guardian: Global warming predicted to cause more earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and tsunamis & may lead to global cooling!
(Written by Bill McGuire, director of the Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre and author of “Surviving Armageddon: Solu...
The truth about sea levels by Swedish expert, Dr Nils-Axel Morner, including Tuvalu, Vanuatu & Maldives.
030807 Marc Morano’s Round-up – August 3, 2007
3 Significant New Studies on Climate
(Mark August 3, 2007 as key date in climate science)
Society of Environmental Journalists called Global Warming Propaganda Factory
Excerpt: In January of this year, the SEJ published what they call Clima...
The steamrollers of climate...
310707 Marc Morano’s Round-up - July 31, 2007
GOP Prez. Candidate Fred Thompson mocks global warming fears
Excerpt: [Thompson] compared scientists who insist global warming is ruining nature to those true believers about 400 years ago who insisted the Earth is flat. "Ask Galileo," he said....
This email circular from Marc Morano (an aide to Senator James Inhofe in Washington) is very interesting, not so much for the early part about Greenland, but near the bottom where he refers to our own Dr Jim Renwick, and the subsequent comments by others about the lack of predictability. The link t...
240707 Marc Morano’s Round-up– July 24, 2007
Senate moderates advance cost-control bill for cap and trade
Excerpt: Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) offered a more critical perspective on the cost plan. "Constructing new federal bureaucracies like the proposed 'Carbon Market Efficiency Board' wi...