Posted 5 August 2011
This is the title of a thought-provoking paper giveen in Australia by Dr Doug Edmeades, agriculture spokesman for the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. Dr Edmeades poses the question: "Is there a legitimate say pseudo-science is dangerous and should not be...
Posted 3 August 2011
Professor W J R (Will) Alexander, is a distinguished hydrological scientist who has served South Africa and the United Nations in top official water management capacities, and latterly as a Professor at the University of Pretoria. In previous years, he produced a series of pa...
Posted 2 August 2011
"One of the frustrating characteristics of the climate debate is the unquestioning faith, among lay believers, in today’s conventional wisdom on climate science. They seem oblivious to the history of science as a moving feast. What is believed today can be quite different fro...
Posted 1 August 2011
Internationally noted authority on climate change issues, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, currently on a lecture tour of Australia, is to make a short visit to New Zealand, speaking in Auckland, Wellington and Whangarei, as well as on radio and TV programmes.
Posted 30 July 2011
Link below takes you to videos of speeches delivered at the 6th International Conference on Climate Change, held in Washington DC . The first video features Coalition member Professor Bob Carter, who was introduced by the chair of our NZ Coalition, Hon Barry Brill.
Posted 28 July 2011
A guest editorial in the latest (31 July) issue of NZ Catholic commends the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle, Australia, for rejecting attempts to prevent a speech on its campus by Viscount Christopher Monckton. The editorial says: "Notre Dame and those who organised Lo...
Posted 27 July 2011
Vaclav Klaus, the distinguiished economist who is president of the Czech Republic , on a visit to Australia has addressed the National Press Club in Canberra, challenging what he terms "the global warming doctrine." View his address and answers to journalists' questions:
Posted 20 July 2011
On 19 July, Australia's National Press Club hosted a nationally televised debate on climate science between Viscount Christopher Monckton and Dr Richard Denniss, an economist who is executive director of the Australia Institute. See and hear the complete debate here
...Posted 28 June 2011(updated 20 July 2011)
The climate of the earth is said to be controlled by a mechanism called “The Greenhouse Effect” named because of its resemblance to the action of a greenhouse, which is supposed to cause a warming effect on its contents. Yet what actually happens in a gre...
Posted 19 July 2011
The Galileo Movement in Australia has put together a 4-page fact sheet on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and its (lack of) impact on the earth's climate. This website also includes a summary of the efforts and misrepresentations made by the UN IPCC over the last two decades on the cause...
Posted 14 July 2011
During his 2011 tour of Australia, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley wowed a Sydney audience with a withering demolition of the so-called "consensus" that human influence is responsible for modern "global warmng". Most of this brilliant address has been recorded in a sequence of...
Posted 9 July 2011
Our esteemed founding member and IPCC expert reviewer, Dr Vincent Gray,commends this paper from Dr Judith Curry's website that explains why Sea Surface Temperatures are completely unreliable. Since oceans constitute 71% of the globe it means that the reliability of the entire s...
Posted 3 July 2011
New Zealand Climate Science Coalition chairman, Hon Barry Brill and foundation member Professor Bob Carter played prominent roles at the Heartland Institute's 6th International Conference on Climate Change held in Washington DC late last week. Link below to the livestream of t...
Posted 27 June 2011
"Fact 1. A mild warming of about 0.5 degrees Celsius (well within previous natural temperature variations) occurred between 1979 and 1998, and has been followed by slight global cooling over the past 10 years. Ergo, dangerous global warming is not occurring.
"Fact 2. Between...
Posted 20 June 2011
As a result of concentrated probing by the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition last year, questioning the accuracy of NIWA's Seven Station Series (7SS) temperature records, NIWA undertook a review of 7SS. Dr Vincent Gray, founding membert of NZCSC, and IPCC expert review sin...
Posted 20 June 2011
Top rating radio talkback host in Sydney, Australia's station 2GB, Alan Jones, talks here to pro0minenejnt climate skeptics, Dr Vincent Gray, Dr Timothy Ball, Professor Bob Carter, Dr Richard Lindzen, and finally to climate analyst John McLean who tells how few contributiors...
Posted 18 June 2011
"Science is about enquiry, evidence gathering and scepticism. Pupils need to be taught scientific principles and long-established theories and be well grounded in the scientific method. There is no reason why there should not be discussion of climate change in school..." lates...
Posted 10 June 2011
A leading Canadian newspaper, Financial Post, and a top-rating Sydney radio host, Allan Jones, have recently condiucted interviews with a foundation member of our Coalition, Dr Vincent Gray, who has the distinction of having been an expert reviewer of all four Assessment Rep...
Posted 8 June 2011
"Global warming alarmists are throwing a temper tantrum this week after a Virginia judge affirmed that scientists who receive public funds to study global warming are subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests regarding their taxpayer-funded research. The alarmists’...
Posted 8 June 2011
The views of geoscientists are crucial for a proper understanding of climate. “This should have been accepted practice all along, not because geoscientists are necessarily right, but because this should be the normal process of science,” said Dr Andrew Miall. “The idea that any...