PowerPoint presentation by Dr Gray at International Conference on Climate Change, New York, 3 March
[link ](the global warming scam.3.ppt)
What New Zealanders need to know about current legislative proposals on emissions.
"Avenues", an up-market magazine produced in Christchurch New Zealand, has commenced a debate on causes of global warming. It invited NZ Climate Science Coalition member, Dr Gerrit van der LIngen, to open the debate. To read, download pdf from this link
"The decision to go nuclear has exposed the whole environmental cause for what it is: not a well intentioned drive for clean power but a spiteful, mean-spirited drive for less power. Because less power hits richer countries and richer people the hardest." link
download pdf file link
A recently “leaked” UN report charging that C02 emissions from the shipping industry is three times higher than previously thought, proves the inconvenient lies emanating from the world’s largest bureaucracy when it comes to global warming. link
"A farrago of greed and lust for power - all based on deception and fraud." - Bryan Leyland writes about UN FCCC conference in Bali. link to download pdf
Some say it is no coincidence that 2008 has seen a drop in global temperature as indicated by several respected temperature indexes compared to 2007, and that our sun is also quiet and still not kick starting its internal magentic dynamo.
Dr4 Gray expands on correlations between gases and temperatures. link to download pdf
Dr Vincent Gray finds a devastating correlation. link to download pdf
Dr Vincent Gray explains why IPCC is a "Flat Earth Society". link to download pdf.
A group of Australian and New Zealand organisations and scientists today called on the governments of Australia and New Zealand to set up an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on the Science of Global Warming (to be known as “the ANZIG Royal Commission” – the Australia New Zealand Inquiry into G...
"Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had. " Michael Crichton
Claimed human-caused warming of the Earth to dangerous and unprecedented levels by human-related emissions of carbon dioxide is contradicted by a non-correlation of CO2 levels with warming. Dowload pdf: link
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be...
Global Warming and Pagan Emptiness
Cardinal George Pell on the latest hyst...
Many people are starting to realize that much of what they’ve been told about climate change by governments, the United Nations and crusading celebrities is simply wrong.
Dr David Evans, formerly with Australian Greenhouse Office reports on new observation that show CO2 does not cause global warming. Dowload pdf: link
To read earlier paper by Dr Evans, scroll down from "More" below to: "Former Greenhouse scientist challenges AGW hypothesis."
"There is substantial evidence that contradicts the main IPCC conclusions that Man's greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) are the chief cause of recent warming." Download full 24-page submission by Carbon-Sense: link
"A comprehensive and objective investigation into the credibility of the science underlying the hypothesis that man-made carbon dioxide causes dangerous global warming is urgently needed." Bryan Leyland in New Zealand Herald.