Posted 13 January 2014
"What is totally unamusing, however, is the harm these fanatics and complicit politicians have done, raping the landscape with their hideous wind turbines and imposing crippling taxes. Fuel poverty is killing the elderly. Every winter more people die of hypothermia in Scotl...
Posted 11 January 2014
Willie Soon, astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, explained to a Hong Kong audience why carbon dioxide does not drive global warming or cause extreme weather events, and discusses the consequences for Hong Kong of global cooling.
Download pd...
Posted 11 January 2014
"There has been much debate recently about the advisability or otherwise of drilling for oil or gas deposits in shale using the technique popularly known as fracking (more properly called hydraulic fracturing). Supporters point to the transformation of the US energy market...
Posted 5 January 2014
"The reality is that the IPCC is in effect little more than a UN-sponsored lobby group, created specifically to investigate and push the ''man-made warming'' line. With no similar organisations to examine other potential causes of climate change, it's only the IPCC voice tha...
Posted 4 January 2014
"The unprecedented cost of energy driven by the renewablke energy target and the carbon tax had destroyed the nation's competitiveness, Tony Abbott's chief business adviser has declared. Maurice Newman also says climate change poilicies driven by "scientific delusion" have b...
Posted 31 December 2013
Here are two important new papers by Professor Nils-Axel Morner and others. The first paper discusses patterns in solar variability, their planetary origin and terrestrial effects. The second paper covers their general conclusions.
Download pdf of Preface here ...
Posted 31 December 31, 2013
"The Long Pause just got three months longer. Last month, the RSS monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies showed no global warming for exactly 204 months – the first dataset to show the full 17 years without warming specified by Santer as demonstr...
Posted 31 December 2013
"They set out to compare Douglas Mawson's century-old observations with their own modern readings, but a stranded band of true-believing, Australian-led warmistrs has discovered there is still plenty of ice in Antarctica. Also, that embarrassment can be almost as painful a...
Posted 29 December 2013
Posted 24 December 2013
"The lack of any discernible trend in weather patterns this century did not prevent climate change activists trying to pin the blame on fossil fuel burning and holding up such events as examples of what will become commonplace this century if global emissions of carbon dio...
Posted 23 December 2013
"... the door has been opened to requiring that we compensate developing countries for the impact of extreme weather that is supposedly our fault. For the first time, the costs of extreme weather events all over the world are about to be added to our bill. This happened be...
Posted 19 December 2013
The Energy & Climate Committee of Britain's House of Commons recently called for submissions on the latest Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC. It has now pulished in accessible form, the full range if submissions from all sides of the debate (link below). We particularly...
Posted 11 December 2014
“We invite the American Geophysical Union [AGU] to join with us in helping educate the public about extreme weather and climate change,” said Tom Harris, executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition. “For too long, the public, media, and government...
Posted 4 December 2013
Posted 3 December 2013
"The facts around rising sea levels are widely misunderstood or misinterpreted....Global warming would lead to thermal expansions of the oceans. Sea level globally has been rising at about 1.7 mm a year since the Little Ice Age ended in the 19th century, but has slowed down...
Posted 25 November 2013
Anyone interested in topics such as: (a), costs of mitigation v adaptation; (b), how climate change has affected other creatures; or (c) the fallacy of so-called "acidifcatioon" of the oceans, will enjoy reading the responses of Viscount Christopher Monckton to a Professo...
Posted 25 November 2013
Want a catch-up on what might have caused Typhoon Haiyan that devasted part of the Philippines, or the ethanol disaster, or why it made sense for the new Australian Government to repeal carbon tax, or watch a revealing video about the costs of environmental scaremongering...
Posted 25 November 2013
The UN climate conference in Warsaw, Poland over the past two weeks has clearly demonstrated that their chickens are finally coming home to roost. UN delegates are actually being held accountable for the climate change problems which those representa...
Posted 18 November 2013
"IPCC scientists concluded that they had only “Low confidence” that “damaging increases will occur in either drought or tropical cyclone activity” as a result of global warming. The NIPCC report released on September 17, 2013 concluded the same, asserting that 'In no case...