Posted 28 October 2009
"Mr. President,
"You have recently held an undersea Cabinet meeting to raise awareness of the idea that
global sea level is rising and hence threatens to drown the Maldives. This proposition is not
founded in observational facts and true scientific judgements, Accordingl...
Posted 27 October 2009
"Concerning the climate change that we observe around us today... the simplest (and therefore null) hypothesis, is that "the climate change observed today is natural unless and until evidence accrues otherwise". In regard to which, first, no such evidence has emerged. And...
Posted 25 October 2009
Here are links to our Coaltiion's submissions to the New Zealand Parliament Select Committee considering the Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading Scheme) Amendment Bill:
Primary submissions: [LINK](sc subm final.pdf) to download pdf
Supplementary su...
Posted 8 October 2009
"There is no need whatsoever for an economically dangerous and scientifically discredited emissions trading scheme with its taxes, bureaucracy and disruptions. And as for the Copenhagen talkfest, even Helen Clark is downplaying the likelihood that it will be the final step i...
Posted 5 October 2009
"The global warming religion runs so deep today that most politicians figure it's best enact some sort of green policy, regardless of whether or not that policy actually reduces global warming. Exhibit number one is New Zealand.......What Mr. Smith didn't say is that from...
Posted 4 October 2009
"The planet has warmed and cooled several times over the past 150 years, all within the range of natural climate variability. There are no published scientific papers that show irrefutable proof that any of this is human-caused. Proof is not to be mistaken for the output of...
Posted 3 October 2009
The great global warming scare is over — it is well past its peak, very much a spent force, sputtering in fits and starts to a whimpering end. You may not know this yet. Or rather, you may know it but don’t want to acknowledge it until every one else does, and that won’t h...
Posted 3 October 2009
"My view is that there are fundamental faults in the science used to justify mitigatory action by governments; that claims of a consensus on the IPCC science have no credibility and that account is not taken of the long history of faulty analyses by scientists; that examinat...
Posted 27 September 2009
"A broadcaster is in trouble when it, rather than the news that it carries, becomes the story. And thus it now often is with [Australia's] ABC. Why are today’s media directors and reporters so incapable of making accurate critical judgements on environmental issues. It...
Posted 25 September 2009
"Imagine if there were no reliable records of global surface temperature. Raucous policy debates such as cap-and-trade would have no scientific basis, Al Gore would at this point be little more than a historical footnote, and President Obama would not be spending this U.N...
Posted 21 September 2009
"The only sensible precaution that you can take in such a situation is to plan for a continuation of the present climate trend, and recognize and plan also for reasonable bounds of future climate variability. As the temperature trend for ten years now has been one of cool...
Posted 18 September 2009
A charge that there is not one government scientist in New Zealand associated with climate issues who is willing to speak out on global warming alarmism with some sense of balance or with an appearance of an open mind has been made by Associate Professor Chris de Freitas,...
Posted 18 September 2009
"If Wall Street traders can commodify sub-prime mortgages with impunity, and the Enrons of the world can manipulate energy markets like a pinball machine, imagine a future when tradeable permits for carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are auctioned and swapped ov...
Posted 18 September 2009
Former top officer of New Zealand's Federated Farmers, Frank Brenmuhl, writing in leading farming newspaper, says " Political expediency has ensured the scientific debate has been reduced to a battle between believers and deniers. This deliberate ploy has meant there has...
Dr Vincent Gray, expert reviewer of IPCC Assessment Reports since their inception, has up-dated his extensive paper "The Global Warming Scam", (to August 2009), in which he shows that none of the evidence presented by IPCC confirms a relationship between emissions of greenhouse gases and any harmfu...
Posted 11 September 2009
An American meteorologist writes in the Washington Post to rebut 10 of the most popular arguments in favour of man-made global warming. Written in laypeople-friendly language by a practising weather forecaster.
Posted 9 September 2009
"To the annals of global warming lunacy, add this gem from New Zealand: According to a parliamentary committee, Kiwis should accept lower standards of living to protect the national image abroad. The findings of the 'Emissions Trading Review Committee' aren't binding, but...
Posted 9 September 2009
"What started as a straightforward scientific enquiry has become a mass delusion and then a gigantic confidence trick on the public, a scam, a rort. There are many scientists and others who are uneasy about the escalation that has occurred, but are unable to jump off the...
Posted 7 September 2009
"Claims of the existence of a scientific consensus as reflected in IPCC reports fail to recognise that the IPCC itself undertakes no scientific research. Its key public document ('Summary for Policy Makers') has been drafted by government appointed officials often drawn fr...
Posted 5 September 2009
"The individual sea level records obtained from the SEAFRAME study on 12 Pacific Islands have all been assessed by the anonymous authors of the official reports as indicating positive trends in sea level over all 12 Pacific Islands involved since the study began in 1993. T...