Posted 20 April 2013
UK Telegrah columnist James Delingpole includes this trenchant quote in a biting piece on the failire of the EU's carbon emissions policy: "The EU has been the global laboratory testing the green agenda to see how it works. Today’s story means that the guinea pig died; the mos...
Posted 15 April 2013
Posted 13 April 2013
Professor Cliff Ollier of the School of Earth and Environmental Studies, the University of Western Australia, recently presented a paper in Poznan, Poland, in which he described the sun as the major control of climate, but not through greenhouse gases."There is a very good c...
Posted 11 April 2013
Following attacks on his scientific integrity in a New Zealand newspaper report by three academics of Victoria University of Wellington, Lord Christopher Monckton has filed an official complaint with the University's VIce-Chancellor.
Download complaint letter here ...
Posted 7 April 2013
Last Thursday morning NewstalkZB's top rating radio host Leighton Smith had guest speaker Lord Christopher Monckton in the studio to talk about global warming/climate change and addressed the invented science, lies and propaganda by those trying to force the issue of the clima...
Posted 2 April 2013
Leading UK magazine, The Economist, previoisly a supporter of the hypothesis of "man-made global warming", seems to have had a change of heart with this recent article: "...some scientists are arguing that man-made climate change is not quite so bad a threat as it appeared t...
Posted 3 April 2013
Viscount Christopher Monckton, who has just begun a speaking tour of New Zealand, has responded to an article in the on-line edition of the New Zealand Herad, attacking his qualifications and motives: Read article here.
Lord Monckton comments: "I have attached som...
Posted 30 March 2013 *
"Just one day after the IPCC Chairman claimed that global warming had stopped happening 17 years ago, the Australian Climate Commission rushed out a press statement, 'The Earth Continues to Warm.' Clearly, there is a lack of consensus here. Are these diametrically oppo...
Posted 29 March 2013
:When we are talking about science, we are not talking about what John Tyndall found in a test tube, but predicting what happens to temperatures in response to small changes in the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. The science is inherently weak because it is not capable...
Posted 27 March 2013
"The planet is no longer warming. The brief warming episode of the late 20th century completed its course in the mid 1990s, and is now extinct. **These are now uncontroversial statements. They are based on hard data which has been available for many years on the websites of...
Posted 27 March 2013
IPCC expert reviewer Dr Vincent Gray, of Wellington, NZ, has revised his original paper of the greenhouse effect. "The origins of the 'Greenhouse Effect' which were reviewed in 'The Greenhouse and its Effects'1 . have been further reassessed. The idea of the climate resembli...
Posted 22 March 2013
Posted 18 March 2013
NZ Climate Science Coalition member Joe Fone, of Christchurch has written a book, which has been reviewed by John Shade, who welcomes it among others, concluding: "they all share their particular insights and shock at discovering how few clothes are to be found on the emper...
Posted 15 March 2013
The end of this wek (March 15) marks the cut-off for scientific papers if they are to be cited in the Working Group I contribution to the forthcoming IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, due in 2014. Unless the papers are published or accepted for publication the report cannot refer...
Posted 16 March 2013
Larry Bell writes in Forbes magazine: "No, it wasn’t a conspiracy plotted by Big Oil or Republican operatives using mercenary hackers after all. And unless you happen to get all your news from the mainstream media, you will undoubtedly recognize that by “Climategate”, I’m r...
Posted 16 March 2013
A new report written by Dr David Whitehouse and published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation concludes that there has been no statistically significant increase in annual global temperatures since 1997. After reviewing the scientific literature the reports concl...
Posted 15 February 2013
Matt and Janet Thomson,were beef feedlot farmers who were run off their property at Narrogin, WA, by environmental and state government bullying. They both have agricultural degrees, and brought their children and capital to Australia in order to develop a state of the art...
Posted 15 February 2013
Climate change sceptic Steve McIntyre is a withdrawn and quietly spoken individual who doesn’t go out of his way to offend people. But when the Canadian mathematician and former mining company executive clinically debunked a landmark UN report on global warming known as th...
Posted 11 February 2013
A newly released study from the Research Council of Norway has climate change alarmists abuzz. One of the things the alarmists have been pushing for is to halt warming at a 2°C increase at any cost (and they mean that literally). In the Norwegian study, much to the alarmis...
Posted 8 February 2013
The trouble with facts on global warming...