Posted 6 June 2017

"By withdrawing the United States from the Paris Agreement President Trump has put the burden of proof on those private investors and nation states that believe renewable energy is economically beneficial. Far from being a disaster, this is a step towards a reasonable and spont...

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Posted 5 June 2017

Rupert Darwall blogs at "President Trump has a surer grasp of the economic realities than the Europeans. The United States is now the world's hydrocarbon superpower. Thanks to fracking, it has surpassed Saudia Arabia and Russia to become the world's top energy...

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Posted 5 June 2017

Lord NIgel Lawson, former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer writing about the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord: "But the harmful consequences of low-carbon policies are harder to ignore when they are right on your doorstep, or even inside your home. Britain’s air pol...

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deep state

May 28, 2017, 9:51 am News

Posted 29 May 2017

Read it  here 

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Posted 29 May 2017

Professor William Happer writes in the Washington Times:  "The United States should withdraw from the  Paris Climate Agreement. For too long, well-meaning policy-makers have been misled by propaganda, masquerading as science, that more atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) will harm...

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Posted 18 May 2017

Tom Harris, of the International Climate Science Coalition, writes at The Daily Caller:  "If President Trump merely pulls the United States out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, it will be like cutting the head off a dandelion. It will look good for a while until equa...

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Posted 18 May 2017

Larry Bell writes at Newsmax about an apparent change of heart by the New York Times: "Titled 'Climate of Complete Certainty' the gray lady's new op-ed writer Bret Stephens observes in his first-ever column entry, '[We] respond to inherent uncertainties of data by adding more...

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Posted 17 May 2017

"[Wind power's] contribution is still, after decades - nay centuries - of development, trivial to the point of irrelevance. Even put together, wind and photovoltaic solar are supplying less than 1 per cent of global energy demand.  From the International Energy Agency's 2016 Ke...

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Posted 8 May 2017

"There is now evidence, derived from satellite imaging, that over the last 30-odd years Earth has been getting greener as a consequence of the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. This is of course consistent with the science...and indeed was predicted many years ago.  The...

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Posted 17 April 2017

Justin Worland writes in Time magzine: "The past eight years have not been kind to people who dispute that the climate is changing. Leading scientists strengthened the case that the earth is warming and humans are at fault, while the Obama administration prioritized fightin...

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Posted 15 April 2017

"All too many alarmist climate scientists have received millions in taxpayer grants over the years, relied on computer models that dop not reflect real-world observations, attacked and refused to debate scientists who disagree with man-made climate cataclysm claims, refused t...

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Posted 9 April 2017

Christopher Booker is scathing about the colossal cost of "green energy" in Britain: "Our politicians have been allowed to get away with all this make-believe for so long that few people noticed some startling figures published [by] the the Office of Budget Responsibility. The...

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Posted 2 April 2017

"Battery baloney" is the title of a posting to that warns of power shortages facing Australia from grids relying on batteries as back-up powwer sources. The post points out that batteries do not generate electricity, they can only store it, and they l...

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Posted 31 March 2017

A prize of $6000 has been offered by a group of members and supporters of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition for the first person - or group - who can produce a peer-reviewed paper based on real world evidence that satisfies an independent scientific panel that the pap


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Posted 27 March 2017

U.S. journalist Andy May comments at WattsUpWithThat on last week's International Conference on Climate Change staged in Washington DC by the Heartland Institute: " This was my first climate change conference and I had a great time. So, here is a quick note sharing my most...

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Posted 13 March 2017

Christopher C Horner, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute writes in the Washington Times:  "President Trump also promised to roll Barack Obama's controversial and harmful climate agenda back, yet the Paris agreement signed in September 2016 just before the presidential...

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Posted 13 March 2017 reports: " Finance Ministers for the U.S., China, Germany and other members of the Group of 20 economies may scale back a robust pledge for their governments to combat climate change, ceding efforts to the private sector. Citing 'scarce public resources',...

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Posted 12 March 2017

 "New Zealand shouldn't waste billions on carbon reduction to no good effect, says a retired University of Cambridge physicist and electrical engineer. Taranaki-born Emeritus Prince Philip Professor of technology Michael Kelly says a Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ) repo...

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Posted 12 March 2017

"Stable parts of the South Australia coast show that the last interglacial sea level was 2m higher than present, but elsewhere there has been relative subsidence up to 7m and uplift of 18 m. Estimates of changing sea level, and future projections, should state the time period...

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Posted 12 February 2017

What famed Pacific navigator, Captain James Cook, might have said after comparing the readings of his scientists in 1977, with what New Zealand Government scientists are saying about "global warming" in 2016: "It's not thirty years, lads; your temperature recordings match...

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