"This latest IMF publication...mirrors, and serves to confirm and reinforce, the over-presumptive and unresourceful treatment of climate change issues by the Fund’s member governments and in particular by its clients in national capitals...In relation to climate change issues, a new framework is nee...
4 July 2008
Garnaut Report - Three Key Questions were Ignored....
Even while identifying some of the observed change in climatic behaviour, such as a 0.4C increase in surface temperature over the past century, or about 1 mm per year sea level rise in Northern Indian Ocean, or wider variation in rainfall patterns, the document notes that no firm link between the do...
It’s an assertion repeated by politicians and climate campaigners the world over: “2,500 scientists of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) agree that humans are causing a climate crisis.” But it’s not true. And, for the first time ever, the public can now see the ex...
Last week marked the 20th anniversary of the mass hysteria phenomenon known as global warming. Much of the science has since been discredited. Now it's time for political scientists, theologians and psychiatrists to weigh in. -Wall Street Journal
Ruth Lea was Director of the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) for four years until November 2007. She is now Director of Global Vision,...
Yellow Science
June 25, 2008
In the late 1...
"...false claims to certainty were exactly what got us into the Iraq war... both science and democracy flourish when we are open and honest about what science can actually deliver. Effective action on climate change is more likely when we fully appreciate what science can, and cannot, do. We should...
"There are now two belief systems about the climate. A largely Western belief system about steady and maybe catastrophic warming and a rest of the world belief system about impending cooling. The former belief system holds human activity responsible. The latter belief system scoffs at the ability of...
Dr Vincent Gray has been an expert reviewer of every UN IPCC Assessment Report. In this pdf, he expands on an earlier report, explaining in detail how reports are altered. LINK to download
"The carbon cult will ultimately fade into obscurity and become a joke, but the costs and taxes imposed to combat the imagined menace will remain...'A lie told often enough becomes truth,' as Vladimir Lenin said."
I wish to draw attention to the following paper in "Nature" - [LINK](evt no 173.pdf) to download pdf
"The claim that anthropogenic CO2 is responsible for the current warming of Earth climate is scientifically insupportable because climate models are unreliable."
LINK to download pdf
Quadrant Magazine Environmen...
Satellite data shows global production has been steadily climbing to record levels, ones not seen since these measurements began in 1997.
Thanks to Muriel Newman and her excellent weekly internet site: http://www.nzcpr.com/ which we fully recommend, this links to Prof Ron Smith, of Uni. of Waikato, discussing political interference in academia which will come as a surprise to those who believe in what used to be the academic right to...