A reminder to New Zealanders to watch Prime TV this Sunday night, 1 June, at 8.30 p.m. for screening of "The Great Global Warming Swindle", followed by a 1-hour discussion between Leighton Smith, Dr Willem De Lange, Dr David Wratt and Martin Manning.

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"I many times tried to talk to have a public exchange of views with him, and he's not too much willing to make such a conversation,"  President Klaus said. "So I'm ready to do it." LINK

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The State Services Commission should investigate whether scientists of NIWA have crossed the boundary into politics with their sudden flurry of advocacy for action on so-called global warming at a time when the Government is struggling to gain support in Parliament for its Emissions Trading Scheme B...

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A former top level officer of Australian Treasury, Des Moore, in the first section of this penetrating address, suggests  governments are ignoring real terrorism threats, while fiddling with the non-existent  threat of  "global warming." This is a must-read for policymakers (climate graphs in final...

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"From 1875 to 1975 internationally accepted records suggest that the average global temperature rose by a total of just 0.2ºC. It was only the 0.5ºC rise recorded in the fourth quarter of the last century that produced the hysteria that has sparked this gold rush among green entrepreneurs and invest...

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"You may wonder — if the data from the last decade show the Earth is not getting warmer, and the climate models have been making incorrect predictions — why are so many in the political and media classes continuing to shout about the dangers of global warming and insisting the "science" is settled w


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"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing, or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific e...

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May 20, 2008, 3:55 am News

Carbon Sense Coalition tells Wilkins Strategic Review of Australian Govt climate change programs, "it's time to clean the stables" - the urgent need to rationalise and prune the runaway greenhouse industry.

LINK to download pdf 

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Prof Will Alexander writes from Pretoria: "All that I wish to say now is that this whole climate alarmism is a madness that we could all do well without. We can then get on with solving the real humanitarian issues of this country, and not be sidelined by all this environmentalist nonsense that is p...

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"A new framework is needed - less presumptive, more inclusive, more watertight professionally, and more attuned to the huge uncertainties that remain. Where so much remains uncertain and unsettled, policies should be evolutionary and adaptive, rather than presumptive; and their evolution should be l...

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"Some 32,000 scientists is more than the number of environmentalists that descended on Rio in 1992. Is this enough to establish that the science is not settled on global warming?" And leaves IPCC's alleged 2500 way in the shade.  LINK

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"give the Kiwis credit for honesty. Having signed up for Kyoto, they're actually talking about shouldering the costs of meeting their commitments. Whether or not they end up regretting it, other countries will now have a chance to see what the anticarbon crusade does to an economy."  LINK

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Australian agricultural output will double over the next 40 years, with climate change predicted to increase, rather than hinder, the level of production. "Recent research has shown increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lifts plant production by up to 30 per cent in a phenomenon known as carbon...

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This is a lucid, logical, well-researched 32-page doc, compiled by long time IPCC expert reviewer, Dr Vincent Gray, explaining why the current claims of man-made global warming are a "global scam".  To download pdf file, LINK

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"Many flaws have been found in IPCC reports....Forced limits on CO2 emissions will not be productive and will cause serious drops in living standards in industrialized countries if adopted." To download pdf of this well argued paper by Professor Joel Kauffman, LINK

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In view of gross misrepresentation by a Greenpeace NZ spokesman of what Owen McShane yesterday told Parliament's Finance & Expenditure Select Committee in its hearing relating to the Emissions Trading Scheme Bill, we have permission from Owen, chair of this Coalition's Policy Panel to reproduce belo


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As the world approaches the close of a decade of stable temperatures, with recent hints of cooling, in New Zealand and elsewhere, ordinary citizens are starting to realise that there is no substance to the hysteria about  human-induced "global warming" hysteria created by their governments for polit


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"This is an extraordinary state of affairs, unparalleled in modern history. Sovereign governments have become so enamoured of climate computer models, and decoupled from science reality, that they plan to impose environmental measures that will be financially and socially devastating, but which will


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May 6, 2008, 2:01 am Archive to 2007

Temnporary file for checking system

Press Release from the NZ Climate Science Coalition
(NZCSC weblink)

Global warming hysteria: how the pendulum has swung

It has become commonplace knowledge, and is unchallenged, that global average temperature has not increased since 1998. This correspo...

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