Posted 14 December 2015
"As the media report, the COP21 delegates believe that today's temperatures and atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels are unusually high, and that because of this, more or more intense storms, droughts and floods are occurring and more polar bears and penguins are dying. They...
Posted 13 December 2015
Below is a link to the text of the final agreement at COP21 UN conference in Paris. Of interest is this opt-out clause: "Article 28 1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Agreement has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from this...
Posted 9 December
There are two climate conferences in Paris this month. One, the UN's 21st Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP21) attended by about 40,000 people who flew in on fossil-fuelled aircraft has not talked about climate science because they consider that science is set...
Posted 7 December 2015
In Scientific American Viscount Matt Matt Ridley argues climate change "is real, man-made and not dangerous, at least not for a long time." He notes recent research show Earth is not as sensitive to changes in carbon dioxide levels as most climate models assume because mo...
Posted 7 December 2015
An American scientist, Dr Tom Wysmuller, has denounced COP21 in Paris and the plot against the developing countries. He was interviewed in New York for the weekly Cameroon newspaper, Journal Integration. The interview was published in French on 23 November, and appears he...
Posted 30 November 2015
"Statements that climate change is the biggest (environmental) problem of humankind are unfounded: We can readily think of bigger problems. For example, the people of Greece lost a third of their income in five years' time, arguably because monetary policy was unfit for pu...
Posted 29 November 2015
"Any climate agreement should be flexible enough so that voluntary pledges can be adjusted over the next couple of decades depending on what global temperatures do. The best we can hope for is a toothless agreement that will satisfy most governments yet allow them to pay l...
Posted 27 November 2015
Professor Judith Curry, a climate scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, does not dispute for a moment that human-generated carbon dioxide warms the planet. But she says, in this interview with The Spectator in UK, evidence suggests this may be h...
Posted 26 November 2015
Four New Zealand scientists and an Australian collaborator have studied the effects of sea level rises on the atoll of Funafuti, in the Tuvalu group in the South Pacific. Their final conclusion is that "islands can persist on reefs under sea-level rise on the order of 5 mm...
Posted 26 November 2015
"Radical Islamist terrorists just maimed and murdered hundreds of people in Paris, dozens more in Mali, still more in other nations. They promise more atrocities in the United States and around the globe. Meanwhile some 40,000 bureaucrats, politicans, scientists, lobbyists...
Posted 25 November 2015
"Surplus CO2 is removed from the atmosphere by natural sinks at rate proportional to the surplus CO2 concentration. In other words, it undergoes exponential decay with a single decay constant. This conclusion is rigorously proven, using first principles and relatively re...
Posted 24 November 2015
"Fighting climate change is a fool's errand, and the policies proposed to do so are likely to cost far more lives than they will save. With all due respect to President Obama, climate change is well down the list of threats to people's lives today, while terrorism must ran...
Posted 22 November 2015
A team of prominent scientists garthered in Texas at a climate summit to declare that fears of man-made global warming were "irrational" and "based on nonsense" that "had nothing to do with science." They warned that "we are being led down a false path" by the upcoming UN...
Posted 22 November 2015
"So what percentage of our atmosphere is CO2 and what percentage of that amount is generated by human activity? Nitrogen is 78% of Earth's atmosphere, oxygen is 21% and carbon dioxide is 0.04% - four one-hundredths of a percent. Tiny amounts can still have huge consequence...
Posted 19 November 2015
Here's a remarkable coincidence! No sooner had Viscount Matt Ridley blogged under title: " WIND MAKES ELECTRICITY EXPENSIVE AND UNRELIABLE WITHOUT CUTTING EMISSIONS", than new UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Right Hon Amber Rudd, made a major speec...
Posted 17 November 2015
Professor Larry Bell writes at Newsmax in USA about the way that temperatures have been "fiddled": "Satellite temperature records that offer the most comprehensive and accurate measurements show no statistical warming for neartly 19 years and counting. Yet, based upon tw...
Posted 16 November 2015
Co-author Professor Robert M (Bob) Carter has commented on a momentous decision in Australia related to sea levels, possibly influenced by a report by himself and Waikato University's Dr Willem De Lange. "So far as I am aware, this is the first time that a serving Western...
Posted 7 November 2015
"The monarch of old ordered the tide to recede as a lesson to his courtiers that no mere human, not even a king, can make the world do as it's told. Will Steffen, the CSIRO and other grant-fed warmists face a similar problem: while modern enablers still profess to believe t...
Posted 4 November 2015
Mainstream news media throughout the Western world recently featured predictions about the outcome of Hurricane Patricia. It turned out to be a classic example of tne misinformation and false assumptions, all supported by supposedly credible scientific authorities, that ha...