February 1, 2019, 5:40 pm

The Cornwall Alliance posts: "Have mathematical models replaced good old-fashioned scientific testing? An understanding of the big picture in a field of study helps to frame and give essential perspective to that field. Take the field of natural science for instance. A big-picture look at the overall operation of the natural science profession has traditionally been seen in the “scientific method,” which consists of observation, hypothesis and testing. Rigorous testing of a hypothesis eventually leads to a “theory.”... Of late, mathematical modeling, an essential investigative tool, appears to have taken over the world of natural science. And with the ascension of modeling, the focus in scientific endeavors — particularly in the practice of atmospheric science — may have shifted away from the rigour of testing to verify a hypothesis and toward constructing a model to represent a theory."



February 1, 2019, 5:39 pm

Dr Ed Berry writes: "IPCC’s claim that human emissions caused all the rise in atmospheric CO2 since 1750 is, without question, the most costly deception in the history of mankind. People think they can save the world if they can stop human emissions of CO2, but data and simple physics prove them wrong. Climate alarmists have money, critical government jobs, control of scientific organizations and journals, influential university positions, and well-funded environmental organizations."


S.Fred Singer, founder of the U.S. Weather Service, writes: "While most people still worry about global warming, I am more concerned about the next Ice Age. A glaciation would present a serious problem for survival of our present civilization, akin to a nuclear winter that many worried about 30 years ago. Nuclear winter is all fantasy, of course; but ice ages are for real." (To access click on Newsroom, then click on Commentary Articles in scroll down list)



February 1, 2019, 5:39 pm

Tony Thomas posts cogently at Quadrant in Australia: "Warmists' predictions of climate doom haven't come to pass or anything like it, but give them credit for agility and perseverance in always concocting a fresh scare. The latest meme to keep grants flowing and careers on track: the purported mass die-off of species large and small."


"Contrary to expectations, climate scientists continue to report that large regions of the Earth have not been warming in recent decades." Kenneth Richards popsts at PrincipiaScientific International.


Viv Forbes, Australia, posts at "Carbon Sense": The climate alarm media, the bureaucracy and the Green Energy industry follow an agenda which is served by inflating any short-term weather event into a climate calamity. They should take a long-term view. Earth’s climate is never still – it is always...

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Francis Menton, in the US journal 'Manhattan Contrarian' explains why climate change seems to have faded by showing data from the easily-available UAH global lower troposphere record, derived from satellite sensors. That record exists from 1979 to present, shown in the latest chart from UAH going through the end of June 2018.


A large group of active and former Fellows of the UK Geological Society has written to their national president society urging a re-evaluation of the society's position on Anthropogenic Global Warming (aka 'climate change').


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In a hard-hitting speech, former Australoian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott has called on his country to follow the United States in pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. "Knowing what we know now, we would not have made the Paris agreement. But if we wouldn’t have done it, had we known; we shouldn’t be in it, now that we do." (The late Professor Robert Carter, at whose Commemorative Lecture Mr Abbott spoke, was a founding member of our Coalition).


In this important paper, German scientist Uili Kulke, quotes Henrik Svensmark, head of solar research at Denmark’s Technical University in Copenhagen: “The climate is influenced more by changes in cosmic radiation than by carbon dioxide”. CO2 has an effect, of course, “but it is far less than most current climate models assume, and also less than the influence of cosmic radiation”. In his opinion, a doubling of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere would cause an increase in global temperature of at most one degree, and not two degrees, as is now generally accepted.


Dr John McLean, of Melbourne, Australia, an expert reviewer of the IPCC Report of 2013 has exploded no less than 17 myths about 'climate change'.

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Dr Ed Berry explains how and why the Equivalence Principle that informed Einstein's Theory of Relativity also rules out the alleged role of carbon dioxide in dangerous global warming. Link

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With deepest regret we record the death in Wellington last week of one of the founding fathers of our Coalition, Dr Vincent R. Gray, at age 96. An indefatigable reviewer of every IPCC report so far, Dr Gray published many well-researched critiques of errors and misjudgements he found in IPCC reports, being especially harsh on computer models, with his constant refrain "Correlation is not evidence of causation." In the early years of our Coalition,his expert observations helped many of us to counter false propaganda advanced by the witless Green Party, condoned without correction by the gutless other New Zealand political parties. RIP.



February 1, 2019, 5:39 pm

Dr Ed Berry, a US physicist, after several months, has resumed his weekly emails. In this one he invites fellow skeptics to join the climate revolution.


This paper, "Climate Thinking - Broadening the Horizons"by Dutch climate scientist Professor Guus Berkhout, is probably the most layperson-friendly, and comprehensive explanation of the origins and the falsity of the 'global warming' hysteria we have even encountered. We are grateful to the UK's Global Warming Policy Foundation for permission to add it to our website.

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The news media should be cautious about linking hurricane activity to global warming, according to National Hurricane Center Science and Operations Officer Chris Landsea, in a posting to WattsUpWith That.

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"Greens are inviting famine, humanity’s ancient enemy, into our cities via the green door," writes Viv Forbes, in the "Carbon Sense Newsletter":.

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Dr David Whitehouse, Science Editor of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, discusses the recent history of ocean temperatures, including the Tasman Sea between New Zealand and Australia.

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Ron Clutz writes at "Science Matters": " TTLs (lower troposphere temperatures) include mixing above the oceans and probably some influence from nearby more volatile land temps, They started their recent cooling later that SSTs from HadSST3 but are now showing the same pattern. It seems obvious that despite the three El Ninos, their warming has not persisted, and without them it would probably have cooled since 1995. Of source, the future has not yet been written."

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"World temperatures show no trend when they exclude stations with data contaminated by being in increasingly in built-up areas or close to the sea and without the "corrections: ingtrodiced by IPCC scientists," writes Alan Moran for Australia's Institute of Public Affairs (IPA).

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