"As the global financial crisis takes hold, perhaps people are starting to wonder whether the so-called precautionary principle, which would have us accept enormous new taxes in the guise of an emissions trading scheme and curtail economic growth, is justified, based on what we actually know about c...
Download pdf - [LINK](evt no. 190.pdf)
In evidence to the US Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works in June 2006, Dr David Deming, University of Oklahoma, explained how the Mann "hockey stick" graph was manipulated.
"Horner’s argument is that we are getting a one-sided discussion of climate change because most media outlets, politicians, activists and a substantial section of big business have – in a variety of ways – got an interest in keeping it that way. He tells me: ‘This affirms a worldview of many people:...
"To focus on the chimera of human-caused greenhouse warming while ignoring the real threats posed by the natural variability of the climate itself is self-delusion on a grand scale." Professor Bob Carter, writiing in Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 38 No 2, September 2008 - a readable but scientif...
"Let us not confuse environmental religion with observational science. Reliable science explains what we observe. One can not understand the climate system without an appreciation of the influence of geography, spatial relations, ocean currents and the physics that drive cloud cover over the tropics....
Perennial expert reviewer of IPCC Assessment Reports, Dr Vincent Gray has updated his paper on how UN IPCC spins the climate. To download pdf: LINK
"In sum, when the issue of global warming is looked at dispassionately, both those who see it as a problem and those who do not might conclude it makes sense to wait before taking any expensive action, when normal discount rates - e.g. the cost of capital - are properly taken into account." Mont Pel...
"Last month I witnessed something shocking. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, was giving a talk at the University of NSW. The talk was accompanied by a slide presentation, and the most important graph showed average global temperatures. For the past deca...
"I’ve seen evidence, which I believe, that says there has not been a rise in global temperature since 1998, despite the increase in carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere. This makes me think the global warmers are telling lies – carbon dioxide is not the driver. The idiot fringe have accus...
"It is transparently obvious that the greens sit squarely in the tradition of Romanticism. Like the romantics, they hate industry, love nature, idealise peasant life, they think capitalism is wicked, they think people in modern society lead depraved shallow lives and have forgotten the true value of...
ETS in Australia: " ..if the world can’t reach a consensus on something as relatively simple as free trade, how on earth will it be able to reach a consensus on something as complicated as climate change?" asks former senior adviser to ex-Leader of Australia's Liberal Party. LINK
20 OCTOBER 2008
It is now firmly established that increases in carbon dioxide have no detectable effect on the climate. Global temperatures are falling. There has been no change of temperature in New Zealand for at least 50 years, so that...